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  1. Hey guys. I own an 04 BA tubo manual ute. Have just brought a flash 2 from CAPA. Loaded on the generic tune of 8psi and took the car for a drive. It is missing under full boost at about 3000rpm and up. And has trouble even making it to 8psi boost. So I tuned the car back to stock and it is still doing it at 5psi. I have heard about trouble with the plugs?? Do they need to be re-gaped. And if so by how much? Now I know a custom tune is the best idea and will be looking at one soon. But I Am looking for a solution to fixing this problem first. any help would be appreciated. cheers
  2. Hey guys. Yeah it was the actuator. I got a reconditioned one off ebay for 75 bux. cheers for the help ay.
  3. Hey guys. I have a 2004 BA ute and am having trouble with the remote central locking. It works with the key and both doors are locking fine. But when u use the remote it makes a beep noise 3 times and doesn't lock. I have noticed the lock button on the icc isnt working either. When you push it it makes a noise like it is trying to lock but isnt working. I have checked the fuse and it is fine. So thought maybe it would be a motor that operates it. Has anybody had this trouble and if so how much to fix? Cheers guys. Any help is appreciated.
  4. I am located in Hervey Bay QLD. So not a great deal of options for exhaust systems. Have you got any other mods done to your engine or just the exhaust system done? Why would it cause it to spike?
  5. Hey guys. I have recently bought an 04 turbo BA ute. Am looking at putting an exhaust system on it. Not after any huge power gains. Mainly after a system that sounds good. So am I able to put a Cat back system (either 2.5inch twin or 3.5inch single) without getting the vehicle tuned. Its only when you go a high flow cat you have trouble with the engine lights coming on correct? Or can I fit a high flow cat without tuning? Was after a nice deep exhaust note so mild steel would be the best yeah? And would the single pipe drone much? Any help is much appreciated. Cheers
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