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Everything posted by bradles024

  1. Has anyone tried putting diff gears in these cars to lower the rpms a bit? I do a lot of 100km/h driving and it revs at about 2000rpm, where I would like it a bit lower. Would it have a massive effect on acceleration, being a turbo and all?
  2. Gee I dunno where to start. The fact that I've now had 3 different turbos on my car, or that pretty much my whole driveline has given way in some form over the last year and a half. The way that this car seems to constantly have a new fault. Fantastic motor, great interior, next car will probably be a Holden.
  3. bit of rainex works wonders mate
  4. T56 f*ck that's unlucky, shattered I didn't know about it when the diff was out doing the bushes.
  5. Thanks mate, I was thinking it was the diff it seems to be the logical choice. These gearboxes are fairly strong.
  6. Got a RM250 2stroke, dont want to get a road bike yet id kill myself on one.
  7. Something in my driveline is making a clunking noise whenever I let off the throttle to change gears. Had the car on the hoist and the driveline has a lot of play in it, and makes the noise when I twist the tailshaft back and forth. Have just had centre bearing done, tailshaft re-balanced and diff bushes replaced, anyone have any thoughts as to what this is?
  8. How does a bigger intercooler make the boost spike?
  9. Saw this on the way to Calder on saturday, thought of you henz.
  10. If anyone has, or knows of anyone that has one, a BA F6 Model Car they would be interested in selling can you please get in contact with me. Either PM or 0410125405. Cheers - Brad.
  11. Looking for a good car detailer in melbourne, car needs a good cut and polish. Any recommendations, or anyone on here that can do it for a price?
  12. Seen your first run, 11.something? Looked like it struggled for traction taking off, but then got up and went quick as. What was your 60ft time?
  13. Dunno if this is already on here, thought it might help some people. Certainly helped me out. This is for BA/BF.
  14. Let the car run for a while to dry the tyre shine, then give it a wipe with a cloth, comes up awesome.
  15. henz did you get a gauge with vac on it so when you hit boost it looks like the needle goes further round?
  16. Haha it was good, just in a few more peices than usual lol. The run that it blew I ran a 12.9
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