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Matt Malone

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About Matt Malone

  • Birthday 12/12/1988

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  1. Happy Birthday Matt Malone!

  2. Happy Birthday Matt Malone!

  3. Happy Birthday Matt Malone!

  4. Happy Birthday Matt Malone!

  5. Happy Birthday Matt Malone!

  6. so hungover.... is about to clean rose.. not sure if I should take rose or lilly to the spit for aussie day

  7. well today the horn stopped workin haha but it seems to work after a certian amount of right hand lock??? any ideas
  8. well I changed the tune on my flash tuner the other day and seem to have lost cruise control because of it.. Im not sure if it was the changing of the tune that has dont it but I was using cruise control about 5 mins before so think it was. has the ever happened to anyone with/without tune?? is there a fuse or something that could have blown causeing this??
  9. hmmm the noise sounded like it was coming from the front of the motor.. a real light metal tapping sound. was quite loud. im pretty sure the starter was trying to work but there was no way it was turning over. The car has abit of work done to it, 10psi tune, injectors, fuel pump, cooler, 3.5inch zaust. im guessing I have done the same thing as you. I will be callin elite auto first thing monday to book the car in for them to sus out wat has happened.
  10. well this has also happened to my 05 xr6t just last night... just about to get out of second gear and on came my oil light but I didnt think to look at my guage before I shut it off straight away. The noise coming from the engine was a strange one. I have a feelin mine is abit worse as I cant even turn my motor over. Is there any chance that this is a safety feature not lettin my engine to run??
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