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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. True, but I'm lazy and never wash my own car... It gets the treatment once a week at my local car wash.. The only reason have started to look for new rims is because of traction issues. Need to put some 275/285 at the back. My car is going for it's next stage of mods next month and with expected 360-390rwkw, the problems only going to get worse... Ben
  2. I was told these wheels will fit without spacers over the 6 pot brembo.
  3. Hi *Beep*, Have been looking at these tyers as well, any more feed back on your experience with them so far? Ben
  4. These wheels I was looking were 20inch. 8" wide at the front and 10" at the rear. Tyers will most likely be 245's and 275's. Ben
  5. Hey guys, Just started shopping for some new wheels... What do you think of these? Ben
  6. That has to be the biggest power I have seen on here with the standard exhaust and cat on an FG... Did James do the tune? Ben
  7. Top Result!!! on the standard exhaust too...??
  8. XYZ

    Fg F6 Tune

    Hey Mate, You shouldn't have any problems getting 300rwkw with just at tune. Most FG F6's I have seen run 270rwkw plus standard. Mine was 280rwkw standard and after PW cooler and Tune it made over 325rwkw. So 300 from a tune should not be out of reach. Ben
  9. I wouldn't be too concerned about the dyno results, as others have said dyno figures will differ from shop to shop. What I would be looking at, is how it feels on the road. Linear power delivery and fuel efficiency is what I look at for in a street tune. Anyone can make good top end rwkw with these cars, just wind the boost up.... Both tuners mentioned have different methods and ideas when tuning our cars to get the best out of them. I wouldn't say one was better than the other, it all depends on what you are looking to have done. Ben
  10. Hey Mate, Any update on the performance of the ID1000's? Was planning on going with the Deka's for my FG F6 but a lot of people are talking up the ID1000's. Do they require any spacing or modifications to fit? Ben
  11. Or even wheels!!! Sorry, couldn't help myself...
  12. XYZ

    405Kw Fg Xr6T

    Me too... Keen for a road trip?? Gum Ball style, race across the country!!!
  13. Hey Guys, About to get a new exhaust for my FG and trying to decide between getting stainless or Mild Steel System. (I will be getting a stainless dump and cat for the Mild steel system as well) Appart from stainless lasting longer, what are the main advantages between both systems? I have been told the Mild system will sound a little better as the stainless system can sound a little tinny. What is everyones preference? Ben
  14. Thanks for your detailed replys mate. It has made things a lot more clearer. Still learning the "in's and out's" about these cars and I just like to be well informed before making decisions. Ben
  15. Hey Guys, Here is a better explanation of what I have been told: "The FG has a split inlet port. When you fit injectors such as Siemens with a round spray pattern fuel hits the split in the cylinder under low air speed and pools causing a rough idle. The standard injectors are 4 hole duel pulse style so keeping with that style doesn’t affect idle quality". He is not a Nizpro dealer either, so I am not sure if it is just sales talk. Ben
  16. Thanks for everyones feed back on this. I sent an email to my tuner with the new Bosch EV14 product sheet. He told that "these injectors have different spray pattern and require different electrical plugs? Ben
  17. Hey Guys, Need some advice on the next stage of my mods. My current tuner is recommending re-drilled standard injectors for my FG F6 as he believes this is the best option. I spoke to him about using siemens injectors, however he believes they are not the best option for the FG's? Excuse my ignorance on this topic, but he told me that the siemems injectectors have a cone spray pattern which does not suite the FG inlet manifold design? (think that is what he told me??) What are people's opinions on re-drilled injectors? Should I go down this path or look for a different tuner, as I see many people on here use the siemens 60lb injectors. Ben
  18. Still trying to decide on the exhaust, It will either be a CES system or I will get Brian from Exhaust Innovations to make one up for me. Ben
  19. 320rwkw from tune alone??? Your car must be a freak!!!! Ben
  20. Speak to Karl from Hiro Performance, (Site Sponsor) he will set you up with all the parts you need. Ben
  21. Hey Mate It is an Auto Ben
  22. Thanks mate, boost is at 14psi. Ben
  23. Hey Guys, Had the first tune done on my FG F6 on Monday by RDP. Mods: xr8 air box, PW stage 2 cooler and custom tune. It pulled over 445rwhp, but was tuned back because the standard exhaust. Very happy with the end result. 432.3rwhp/322rwkw. Will be getting injectors and exhaust done in the new year. Ben
  24. Hey guys, I have an FG F6 which has been recently tuned. I am up for my first service shortly and was wondering do I take it to Ford or back to my tuner for a service? I've owned a few subaru's in the past and always had it serviced by Subaru as thought it was better for resale.. What are peoples' opinions here and do you have your FG serviced by your tuner or Ford? Thanks Ben
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