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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. Guess you are chasing a little more than 450rwkw now...
  2. The Standard turbo found on the BF, FG F6 etc... will be fine for that power.. Otherwise you can look at the GTX3582R which would be my choice at this level your chasing...
  3. Just hope my auto will be back in time....
  4. It sure did, intake temps went through the roof on Roo16 compared to E85 when I was running my smaller cooler. Motor was a lot happier and made more power easier on E85.. Didn't realise Spiro was running E85 when he was making 800rwkw, always thought he was using C16.. Think I will stick to E85 now and not waste anymore money on Roo16/C16... Cheers Ben Ben
  5. Great result mate, especially on 245 cheapies and your pump tune. With some stickier rubber you will be well into the tens! how did your box go, much slip in the top end?
  6. Yeah a little hard to pick it, however with my car and Karl's been on both dyno's on numerious occasions there is roughly 8% difference between the 2.. Should all go the the Elite dyno day next month. Ben
  7. Thinking about starting a ZF rebuilding work shop.. Think we will see a few unhappy ZF's with these tunes now available.. Just like tuning are engines, there is a lot to learn about this new software and the tuning.. They have released some generic tunes and it is now up to the works shops to build on these and make improvements..
  8. I'm in, soon as my ZF has finished it's make over by rob at MT...
  9. That's a shame, I was expecting to follow the black lines all the way to clint's place tomorrow... your more than welcome to use them anytime.. Are you happy are where it is now, or looking at adding another pump? When Karl's car is back on the road we should put in and get some c16 and see what the difference that makes over sucrogen
  10. Top result mate!! Is there still some tread left on my stockies or did you clint have some fun on the way back to his place??.. Ben
  11. Heard this beast pulled some big numbers today.....
  12. Did the same to mine a couple of week ago.. Seeing how everyone is breaking these, I am getting the input and intermediate shaft custom made from billet. Hopefully this will solve this problem, or just transfer it to find another weakness in the box..
  13. Nice one mate, bet your looking forward to PC!!! Good call on waiting till after PC for the ZF tune, think Jamie will need to spend a bit of time on it to ensure it is 100% especially at your power level.. What day/s will you be at PC? Ben
  14. XYZ

    Zf Fluid

    I know Martini have released a trans oil to suit the requirements of the ZF.. This is what I will be putting in after the box is rebuilt.. Ben
  15. EVO X MR for me, the way you can throw them into the corners at speed simply defies physics... Would have bought it to if only the rear seat folded down.. They are great bang for buck!! Had 3 Subaru's before my current car and liked them too.. Dre, love the C63 AMG's!! 2 of my mates have them and they are such an entertaining car to drive... Ben
  16. Hey Mate, Did you snap your input or intermediate shaft this time? Ben
  17. XYZ

    Fg F6 362Rwkw

    I wouldn't say I'm sick of it, I still get a big smile everytime I drive it and in many ways it is a lot more practical than my previous cars.. Just certain aspects of my previous rides I miss.. I guess I know where Dre is coming from... If only the budget allowed for 2 performance cars...
  18. XYZ

    Fg F6 362Rwkw

    I've been having similar thoughts for a while now... This is my first big car I have owned and although the power is great, I still miss the mountain runs with my mates and throwing it around the twisty bits.. Been swapping cars with my mates lately to get the thrill back.. Straight line power these cars are great, however think there is more fun to be had with smaller cars and twisty mountain roads...
  19. XYZ

    Fg F6 362Rwkw

    Hey Mate, I'm guessing from your comments and your previous cars, you are missing owning smaller cars you can have more fun with around the twisty bits?
  20. Bump.. What is the difference between the Harrop Truetrac and Detroit Truetrac?
  21. Finally found the limits of the standard ZF.... Looks like I snapped the input shaft... Clinton is pulling it out now and going to build it up for me with Billet shafts etc..
  22. Hey Mate, Saw your car at clint's the other day, good to see the auto tune went well.. Did he tell you what happened with mine..
  23. Same as the motor mate, 0..
  24. I'm a little confused as to why the cooler would be the problem? Adding a larger cooler, exhaust etc.. will increase flow and you may need to have your Turbo ported with wastegate mod to allow greater boost control.. I'm no tuner or an expert like *Beep*, however the fact that your car is happy to make boost and is spiking at 15psi means your turbo is loving the new flow rate of your new set up and may need the wastegate mod to help control boost..
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