Veva's graph above is on E85, so it is not a fair comparison.. At the end of the day you have 3 different tunes you can load into your SCT box, so there is nothing wrong with keeping the one you have now and having another tune from a different shop. I do.. I have 2 tuners that I am more than happy to work on my car, they both get along quite well and even share my tune files.. I don't expect the 2 shops in question to do same.. However, if you are not happy with what you have now I would take up XFT's offer of improvement or it's free.. Sounds good to me.. In saying that, MT has a very good rep and would give Rob the opportunity to have another crack.. You said it yourself earlier, that Rob did not recommend the turbo set up you have, this is why you should always listen to what your tuner recommends and not what people say on forums... Many shops spend hours of R&D on different combinations to test what works and what doesn't... This may also include different combinations of components that other shops recommend.. eg: some shops use "X" injectors while others recommend "Y" injectors.. They have obviously spent time testing what works for them and feel comfortable recommending these to their customers. It's not that one is better than the other.. Hope this makes sense.... Ben