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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. Never had an issue with cranking on pump or E85 with my surge tank? Always starts first go.
  2. Still get annoyed that almost 90% of ethanol in Australia comes from QLD and we have no E85 servos and only a handful of eflex sites... Bloody Mexicans!!! Lol
  3. Don't think I have ever seen the Nizpro kit on a car in person, is the piping really that bad? I do like the design of their coolers, built for a purpose rather than looks...
  4. Think you will find a lot of them were sponsorship deals... I know a least one of these cars was doing these times on other brands but changed over as a sponsorship deal...
  5. What's this thread about again?
  6. Any reason why Ecuteck hasn't brought out anything for ford? Too small of market?
  7. Yeah I have been following that thread as well, interesting with differences of opinions... I don't think we ever logged duty cycle on my 1000's but the AFR's were good and never running lean.. however I do know they were totally maxed out on 600rwkw.... The 2000cc ran perfect on E85 however just ran too fat for me on pump 98 which I run with 90% of the time.. A lot of my driving is around town in traffic,light throttle etc.. When we pulled the head off, there was a fair amount of carbon build up....Since we don't have a lot of servo's with E85 up here and I didn't want to buy drums of Sucrogen, I decided to go back to 1000's... I am over chasing dyno figures now, and just want to have a nice E85 tune around 25-26psi anywhere between 500-550rwkw so I can finally take it to the track for a bit of fun.
  8. Hey mate, Yeah what dalts said is correct, my standard harmonic balancer shat itself which caused a flow on effect to other engine components.. Yes, still have those 2000cc injectors if you need them.
  9. Hey Mate, how's things? List of new mods looks great! Not sure if you already have these, however would look at adding upgraded harmonic balanacer and oil pump gears to your list as well.
  10. So what brands are people using as replacement units? Seen the NULINE ones on eBay, are they meant to be any good?
  11. Yeah, I have made (on average) 600rwkw on 3-4 different dyno's in Brisbane with 1000cc injectors on Sucrogen.. Unless all three dynos were previously from SA, I think that is proof enough.. Yes I would agree this is pushing the limits of them, however car was never running lean..
  12. No, my car is a white FG F6.. That's Gary's green F6 on the hoist.
  13. That was me talking to Clint yesterday mate. Trying to book into his very busy work load ATM..... Well done on the upgrades mate, looks great!
  14. I can sense this thread is about to get interesting..... lol Staino, has your stock modified tray going?
  15. XYZ

    Fg Xr6T 457Rwkw

    Was about to say it could be the intermediate shaft, however these normally break in higher gears 90kph +. Well done on the times mate, that is a fantastic result! Makes me want to pull my finger out! Lol Get your box rebuilt with the extra clutch packs which should get rid of the flaring issues in 4th. Had the same problem with mine, however no issue now after I had it built.
  16. 3 girls in the car, they saw me trying to chase them for a pic... Think they thought I was taking a photo of them...
  17. XYZ

    Fg F6 610 Rwkw

    Tell them to give the Eagle Farm shop a call, they have done a sh*t load of tailshafts now for Fords...
  18. XYZ

    Fg F6 610 Rwkw

    They did use my shaft which included full chrome moly tubing and upgraded centre bearing
  19. XYZ

    Fg F6 610 Rwkw

    Wasn't too bad actually, from memory it was only $900
  20. XYZ

    Fg F6 610 Rwkw

    Hey Mate, Not sure to be honest, give Clinton a call on 0438 355 880 and he should be able to help you out. He has done a number of oil and trans cooler kits for FG's now.
  21. XYZ

    Fg F6 610 Rwkw

    Soon Mark, hopefully in the next couple of months.
  22. Also use the standard gaskets in mine..
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