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Mrs Jeturbo

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Everything posted by Mrs Jeturbo

  1. hope everyone else is having a good day
  2. Moaning fhhharkers holiday time ... this time taking the 5yo so that should be interesting on the 8hr road trip. “Are we there yet” on the plus side... still holidays
  3. Mrs Jeturbo

    Pig on Spit

    no way!!! Then the new owners of our house will get it and it hut they’re a bunch of wanktards and do not deserve such yumm food lolol But if u have some people you don’t like you could do a Hannibal and have a special dinner party the week after and get rid of the kidneys and liver then lolol.
  4. Mrs Jeturbo

    Pig on Spit

    Do u reckon FedEx do like a hot satchel express post? Anything smoked and anything with cheese is like catnip for me... and stuff that's Smokey and cheesey at the same time is like orgasmic.
  5. Donate some money and you’ll find out
  6. ^^^ that’s what I look like atm lol
  7. Random pic post thread is good for that ... I am hoping not to look like an Oompa Loompa on holidays hasha Also agwbabr for lyf
  8. Moaning all fake tanning for the first time today... wish me luck
  9. Except that’s not the oil I’m talking about or what we use. Andrew... Gulf Western is what I was referring to and yes it should stay nice and red with a healthy trans
  10. Puffys on it... I’ve done many a ZF service and can confirm if done regularly and properly the oil drained still looks majoritally cherry red.
  11. If you’re still feeling that spark despite all the crap that you’ve been through then that’s a massive win! Go for it bud... nothing to lose on a side note... bought a pretty cool beach tent today, some awesome beach stuff for huds to play with and even found some swimmers that fit me for once. Cant wait to be chilling by the water in a couple days!!!!!
  12. This is me and j@ to a tee. We were inseparable from pretty much the moment we met, which is weird coz we’re not the romantic types pre being together. We literally had every disadvantage throw our way and still spent nearly 100% of time together and would move heaven and earth just to get an extra ten minutes together. Two babies, pnd, depression, 2 major deaths, and some pretty serious other stuff and yeah we’ve had our fair share of crap times... but to this day all I wanna do is hang with him over and above anyone else on the face of the earth, we’re best friends. I think its it’s hard if you haven’t had that kinda connection with someone to identify what it feels like, and to be fair until recently I never appreciated to it’s full extent how special it is. Stripes you will figure it out and move forward either way, it’s a positive.... you’re a really nice guy and you deserve to be happy and I’m sure either way, weather she’s the one or not, you will find that happiness moving forward. Best of luck with the communication thing and if she’s willing to come to the party then it’s a huge step forward!
  13. Get on the phone all morning organising for my colleague in Vic to manage all my chit for the week so I can actually have my phone off and not have to respond to emails. Spent about thirty hours over the past three days getting everything set up. All good!!!! Not two hours later: Hi this is Airport and SAPN.... we forgot you were here as your new construction .... but FYI in just over a week you will have no power on site whatsoever as we have yearly maintenance which shuts down the whole area... and you should probably organise a generator or some form of power. Me: j@ how big a generator will I neeed for this size site... j@: 35kva on a crane truck... me FHHHUUUUKKKK MY LIFE!!!!!!
  14. Relationships are like farts.... if u have to force it then it’s probably chit. I am kind of the opinion it shouldn’t be that hard that early on. If you’re talking psychologists due to being so dramatically different or lack of communication etc within the first three years without a mass trauma event such as a death or accident etc then I think it’s already a pretty big indicator of where the relationship is headed. Relationships that young should just happen, they should just flow. 3 years in and I would still expect to be in the honeymoon phase... constant rooting and affection. in fact I think even ten years later there should still be moments when you look at your significant other the same as when you were in that phase. Talking to anyone I know with over twenty years happy together (some over fifty years and my grandparents who had over 60) you still have that even then. My nonno still talks of my nonna like she was his queen. He often tells me how not everything was easy, they still fought and had hard times... but he’d do anything to be with her again and the day he lost her was the worst of his life. Im a firm believer not everyone gets to find a great love in their life, some people just have relationships. But when you find your great love or the one, you just know it... and that doesn’t mean it’s always hunky dory, but you just know because the thought, the genuine thought, of ever being without them... even in the bad times... makes u feel sick to the stomach and no matter what happens, you work through it because you both want to not because you have to, or one of you wants to or you feel like you’re scared of being alone or you want to settle down and have kids so you settle for whoever it is at the time coz they’re ok. Saying that I have nfi how life works and everyone is different and everyone’s experiences are different. So what works for someone won’t for others. that's the interesting thing I guess... loads of ways to skin a cat in this world. You old karrrnt LEL
  15. I hope for your mrs sake you’re joking lmfao. Lifes too short for bad secs.
  16. Genuinely perplexed as to how I should take photos of my computer then.... the new iPhone XS max has a pretty good camera
  17. Lmfao.... lately we cuddle for about 2-3 hours every night while watching movies or relaxing in bed before we go to sleep.... 1 hour of that is usually “cuddling” LOLOL. Incidentally weekends rock as morning cuddles are my absolute favourite lolol. This morning got awkies when the 2yo and 5yo smacked into each other and both ran into our room crying while jet was horizontal....on top of me if ya catch my drift.... LOLOLOL. They see us cuddling and snuggling all the time so they thought nothing of it... but I’m sure they will remember it when they’re 20 and in their therapists office LOL We’ve been spending a lot of time being cuddly lately, like actual cuddly, not just “cuddly”...the joys of living in the same house as your mother (after my dad passed we all moved in together during this construction period) so it’s much more comfortable hanging out in the bedroom than anywhere else. It’s actually been pretty nice.
  18. So true.... coz I never grew up... and coz I’m a man on the inside
  19. Yay Sunday.... can’t wait to work some more lol
  20. Omg I seriously do... it’s a good song.... Cept when I’m on mum duty and it plays on shuffle... awkies
  21. Mrs Jeturbo

    Pig on Spit

    Sometimes I like to share joy with others
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