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Mrs Jeturbo

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Everything posted by Mrs Jeturbo

  1. Do you toe Fhhhhhhark her also in a caravan on caravan club 🤣
  2. Meh men are from Mars etc etc... go walk up to a random pretty girl in the supermarket and open with “hey beautiful” while her boyfriends standing next to her and see how you go with that... report back lol.
  3. Maybe that’s what @Admin (as if) has been doing wrong all these years BAHAHAH
  4. “Hey huni come over here and show us ya pubes... I need to know the staying power of ya vag hair” BAHAHAH that's a sexy way to engage foreplay haha I find it weird tbh that the above comment wouldn’t be taken as a joke rather than literal. If we’re taking things as literal then I guess we should call the cops before I start going to town on a TV personality with a baseball bat LOLOL. But then again I should be smart enough to know a bloke would isolate the one thing in a paragraph that could be interperated as sexual LOLOLOL Either way I guess that’s the funny/interesting thing about the world... different perspectives= different opinions = different outcomes.
  5. Wax it... I dare ya.. Old work mate was talking about how he had his sack and gooch waxed... I cringed and I ain’t even got balls.
  6. Should I have said hairy anus? If a guy used that euphemism in this forum context it would mean nothin. I genuinely don’t consider anuses appealing in a sexual nature, I can see what you’re saying but I disagree to the premise as it was used it a context of clearly a joke rather than just posting “hey everyone did you all know I have a hairless anus”. (Which btw I’m not saying I have, it was a euphemism) Not over thinking. that's flirting within a work place. If consenting parties are involved then one would say it’s fine (a HR department would disagree). Don’t get me wrong, not having a dig, but personally I just don’t like it. But hey I’ve always been a weirdo.
  7. As hilarious as this comment is... to be serious for just a moment... I am anti feminist for the most part and can’t stand the way women try and double standard the world... we don’t want equality we want more... also open the door for us and be a gentleman. But... genuinely I think some guys have nfi what’s appropriate or not (not saying this is you kittens as you may well be having a lend of me and the situation In general). I can assure you, five minutes on a site meeting with me and zero men call me beautiful, ball breaker maybe, but they all respect and listen and do what I ask because I know exactly what I’m talking about. And I sure as heck haven’t worked hard as feck to achieve that level of respect to have anyone who, probably just doesn’t realise it’s not appropriate, define me by one word in relation to just my appearance when they don’t even know me. Yeah ah it’s flattering to some degree but it’s hollow. If you wanna compliment a woman call her intelligent, a good person or compliment something of substance. If she doesn’t respond to compliments not based on her looks then she’s a hollow piece of crap and you should dump her arse. Just my two cents, I get this a lot in life and It’s not flattering it’s shallow imo. but again it’s also society telling men to be nice and compliment women. So no one can win really. that's better. See now you’re a fast learner
  8. Dont bother.... he doesn’t need the help to achieve level 10 in creepyness. Lesson 1 about women: don’t call a woman you don’t know “beautiful” unless you’re 90 and it’s in a grandpa way not a slimy way. Lesson 2: Reffer to lesson 1 its not cute, it’s weird. Appart from that I find you’re erratic behaviour and humour relitively hilarious, so keep it in your pants, treat me like one of the boys and we will continue to get along fine
  9. Dont get your hopes up.... he’s relatively normal in person. 🤣
  10. Good evening ohmos .... hope everyone one has had a good day. Things fluff reaffirmed today: 1. the general public suck and are dumb 2. Alcohol fixed most things You’re all welcome for the insightfullness, I’ll be here all week, likely all year... coz no life.
  11. I ❤️ serial killers They’re like societies garbage men. I can think of a few pieces of garbage in this world that could use disposing of LOLOL edit- too bad most serial killers waste their talent on innocent nice people.
  12. #yassssssss Who are you ? Ted Bundy?
  13. It’s not my face.... I stole it from my neighbour... this is me....
  14. Pfffffttttt just coz you’re dropping your game. when was the last time I received a random “I love u message” in the middle of the night from u.... yep 2 weeks ago... dropping ya game biatch lol I miss those days
  15. I’ll summarise it in a few dot points - j@ got bored and decided he wanted to learn how to tune - j@ went to school to learn how to tune - j@ came home and said “hey huni I bought a dyno” - j@ became pretty good at tuning and fluff helps sometimes when she cbf - j@ sold our dyno coz he’s a ohmo - j@ still tunes as a hobby coz he’s a weirdo and enjoys it
  16. Dont be ridiculous . . . . . he works at Repco
  17. Lol @JETURBO is in the electrical industry .
  18. Dun geddit but the dogs adorable Twitter is the only social platform/ap I have left as it’s got factual and entertaining content. I don’t mind it. Saying that I will only look at it three times a week maybe
  19. Well duhhhh I like to pretend it’s real though... just coz it makes me feel better about investing hours upon hours on it. Also Twitter is the best when watching too... hilarious... I go alright for likes... I think my last post had over 150 likes... I thought I was cool LOL
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