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Mrs Jeturbo

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Everything posted by Mrs Jeturbo

  1. Oh ye, I forgt about that.... sorry jetson.... must have been thinkin about dazza's weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  2. Dont bitch on jetson.... It may be small, but at least its pretty right!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  3. Weight is an issue all slow ppl bring up lol... ill flog u with a car load ahahahaha I dunno yet BUT NO CHIPED PAINT PLZ lol
  4. Dont stress Mrxr6t, lol, got it all under control, sheets will be printed, calm down sonny
  5. Apparently so....weeeeeeeeeeeee..... I got done so hard it knocked my sensors out lol
  6. Well, jetson, we all know that's how I like it HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA 1ST TURBO CRUISE PROVED THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha
  8. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ahahahahahah u will always be my orgi king jetson hahahaha but we cant leave dazza out awesome threesome hahah
  9. SUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY INTERNET IS BAK ON BITCHES !!!! hahahah Well got the route for the cruise sorted I think hope its ok.... if not we can behind the shed and just hav a big orgi ye??? lol.... All good see u all out I guess!!
  10. Yes, that's right me and my fixed rear end will be out...
  11. WHAT BOUT...... START: 7pm , 24th October, NEWTON TARGET CARPARK...(it has no speed humps Really), then anywhere from there (not smart enough to think of anything else)lol
  12. Well, I do have a whole new bar and rear sensors, so its all good.... hoping there will be no more bumps actually jet!!! lol
  13. Hey Grandpa!!!!! whats crackin:)

  14. Well.....day cruise is good... but sunday not saurdy... work saturdy... suks!!!......but I might have to catch a ride wit u mitch... my car might be in the crash shop for longer than expected... bloody pannel beaters!!! :(
  15. your feral !! lol

  16. Why hello!!!!

    How are we today???

    Yes I know it's unbelieveable but I have gotten on the net!! yay

    see u soon!!

  17. Hey Guys Went on my 1st xr turbo cruise last night was pretty coolexcept for 1 bit lol, . All u have awesome cars and hope to see u out on the next one.
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