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Mrs Jeturbo

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Everything posted by Mrs Jeturbo

  1. that's only where puff lives... the rest of Adelaide is quite green lololol
  2. Well this place got boring today
  3. @Admin (as if) freakky.... who needs tinder... picking up on the forum... I know you’re not getting laid much but jeeze mate.
  4. Shes closing her eyes for prolonged periods, stone cold, no emotions, non motherly answers. She had zero love love for her children and she still doesn’t. Her smile outside the court room says it all.
  5. Watching 60 mins.... woman who killed her kids.... says she’s innocent.... watched five seconds... she’s guilty. Done
  6. No watch the vid first story someone in Adelaide got arrested
  7. Careful kitty boy... they’re coming for you... someones already been arrested for supporting the terror attack online. freedom of speech doesn’t exist no more... say bye bye
  8. A TUJO CLUGGER? Is that the new Great Wall model?
  9. I’m not into radicalism.... burning chit down is radicalism.... it never fixes the bigger issue. In fact... just as this massacre has done... it will push people further left.
  10. Ironcially my 5 year old just ran in with his brother with apple juices and said “look let’s go show dad we’re aussie blokes drinking beer” .... obviously I missed the leftist mummy memo about raising my kids gender fluid and culturally diverse LOL
  11. Agree. 9.9/10 women are not capable of rational thought due to over emotional reactions and over empathy means little objective thought is used.
  12. It’s a shame.... a real shame. I worry about the world my kids will be adulting in. They will probably be arrested for being free thinkers.
  13. I can’t read twitter anymore. Its just infuriating every second person saying we should all be ashamed of being a racist country.... which is utter bull chit.... what we are is an over accepting country who’s being brainwashed and forced into accepting all cultures (regardless of what they are) and all sexual preferences (this whole LGBTQ chit being shoved down my throat, go be gay I don’t care but stop forcing it in my face ffs). Now look... it should be my right as a human to practice my culture in MY country and not have to practice or engage in others cultures. Want to practice your culture... stay in your country.... want to practice our culture, then fine come here. Same as when the the gay marriage chit happened and people got the craps with a bakery who wouldn’t make a gay wedding cake. Ffs it’s your damn right to believe in or not believe in whatever u want... if you’re a Christian and don’t believe in gay marriage then why the F should you be forced as a business owner to make a gay wedding cake when the people could civilly respect that persons opinion and walk five minutes down the road to someone who would oblige. But no.... have values which don’t align with the left then you’re a racist homophobic bigot, end of story.
  14. Also j@ and I had some lengthy convos about that manifesto over a nice dinner last night. Must say we’re both on the same page.... which is not the page most sheep of the world are on. interesting stuff. Of course a massacre is never the answer... but some his points, when dissected, make complete sense. But we can’t say that now can we... coz then the “racist” title gets thrown around willy nilly, despite the fact most people, by today’s tandards, have forgotten the actual meaning of racism and therefore it’s losing its actual impact as a word and how important it actually is because it gets thrown around when’s anyone exhibits a belief other than the norm, even when it’s not racist in nature at all. The gunman was not a racist. Period. The senator who release that statement was also not racist (in that statement, I don’t know his background). But don’t let me convince you.... believe the Sydney morning herald and twitter and our flip flopping politicians and the brain dead sheep of society. (Not condoning his actions obviously)
  15. I love reading my own drunk posts back. Im hilarious.... to myself.
  16. Learned me is anyways that’s my extent of drunken shananagans these days... lame I know. night fooockers
  17. Must admit you’re much less grumpy now you’re presumably getting laid semi regularly. Its benefiting the wider community quite well LEL
  18. Nice edit... I bet you’re the gimp in the relationship and your Mrs is the dominant ... hence your need for internet authoritarianism. I joke... I joke... But seriously do the ball gags make it hard to swallow?
  19. BCB saw the word “ban” and is off like a diamond thief after a jewellery heist.
  20. Look spelling isn’t my strong point .... Also suffering severe anxiety as no one has answered if the sky is really blue and what colour pill to take. Cheers
  21. DILIFAG .... that reflects more on your robot sense of humour and your overstated sense of authority on this internet platform than our joking around. #EADC
  22. A decent clock... like a Tag watch.... not a Kmart Jobby The poo emoji is so unsatisfying to see Oh look out .... chit emojis everywhere Looks like your mums bedroom
  23. Although who am I to assume someone’s gender in this day and age
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