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Mrs Jeturbo

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Everything posted by Mrs Jeturbo

  1. always (jet makes me go weeeeeeeeeeeeeee hahaahh)
  2. I know tabby... u and me.... pimpin it old skool with the cardis and the uggies... well you can wear moccasons if ya want... arthritic feet and all haha
  3. hahaha shhhh... blondeness.... anyways....my word is.... testicles.. (that is all)
  4. shallow & pedantic.... (I know its 2 words... but family guy )
  5. I am very relaxed atm... my htc tells me its a very nice 17deg and im wrapped up in my uggies and dressing gown,sittin on my porch on my lappy, listening to music, drinking my cuppa with a piece of cake..... pfffftttttt f*ck a desk! HAHAHA... just thought id share that HAHAHAH..
  6. OMG.... u like cardigans????....WE HAVE SOOOOO MUCH IN COMMMON!!!!! hahahah... now that I have turned 19... I am getting up there with you grandpa lot haha

  7. hhahaah oh fair enough... yes I may be 19 now, but I'm still young and naive
  8. I had a merc silver, custom plates, lowered, de badged and de winged... it looked tough... bu I had the same problem with the scratches on the boot as well... also I taped mine for a few days to make sure.... silver duck tape isnt very hard to find... and whatever you do... dont de wing it before you lower it... it makes the back look really high imo.
  9. hahah that was when I got em... now they r brown and also covered in sand lol... its the only type of new clothes u wanna get drty HAHAH
  10. sorry pms ... over it now... lol... hope it all gets fixed shauny
  11. you blokes should go buy lancers ffs
  12. what kind of dick bags are you... I love my car.... and from a small ding like that, which doesnt affect performance etc... you wanna get rid of it... that's such a cop out... just be honest and say your over it! and from anyone who didnt buy their car new... your kidding yourself if you think its never been dinged or something.
  13. naw thanks buffster... yers... got all new fox helmet, pants, top, boots, gloves and some scott goggles for my birthday from my lovely jet.. so we took the day off today, went down the coast and gave the bikes a thrash... I stacked it doing a mono, the bike flipped over itslf, and now have masaively bent handle bars... I <3 Bananas riding on sand... and I get to one hard surface and stack it HAHAHA... oh well... if you dont stack it your not riding hard enough righT?hahahaa... ALL IN ALL HAVE HAD A GREAT DAY!
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