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Mrs Jeturbo

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Everything posted by Mrs Jeturbo

  1. When I woke up this morning there was a note on my pillow : "Morning Huni, at Foyle's mum's place, be back in a couple hours. from JET."
  2. and there seems to be confusion as to wheather its a drag way or a junk yard as there are like zillions of commos there most weekends.
  3. I think theyre still ok... if you take your commmo driving led's off... then will look good
  4. Hell yeah! then sits in the right lane doing 70 in an 80.... I DONT CARE IF YOUR SPEEDING DOING 90 IN AN 80 KEEP LEFT AND GET OUT MY f*ckING WAY!!!!(im an angry driver) Oh and people who take te slip lane and forget to merge til the last minute and try and fit in a gap the size of a yaris in a f250.
  5. Have you seen some of the mum's that display that... jesus I wouldnt wanna follow em home.... besides unless your name is Ronald McDonald or The Colnel you would be no use to them anyways. Ok maybe if your name was H. Jacks you might have a chance too.
  6. I hate those baby on borad thingos.... prolly already been said,,,, but f*ck me.... what do they expect me to drive slower past their car or something coz they got a baby on board... or are the mums just looking to justify to everyone why they havent lost the 20kgs yet?
  7. fluffy the eastrer bunny weeeeeeeeee

  8. haha, tabby, I am the bunny lol

  9. Happy Easter my tabbalicious cardigan loving friend!

  10. well that's not my problem, go deal some crack or something lol

  11. well???? $20 bucks or ban???

  12. Well from a sales persons perspective they had no leg to stand on, and having been a salesperson, he is full of sh*t, would bet the $500 it didnt come outa his pocket! There are some honest ones, but know a lot of em, car sales peopke would sell their soul up the river for $5. Hope the new car is good! congrats
  13. Cannot get his out my head lately thanks to tranny
  14. Mrs Jeturbo


    Hey guys, I am currrently studying etc etc and as you do you feel like you exhaust every part of your brain, so I need some help pweeeese.... Ok Long story short I'm looking for cool words, words like boost or charged, could be things that relate to cars a little. Saying that, any word that gets stuck in your head that is powerful, and maybe looks good on paper, is creative and maybe a bit unusual, or even simple words like "bang" that catch your attention... basically anything you would see on paper and be like WOW! Eg: vivid, dynamic, creative, boosted, ministry... I know this sounds wierd, but I know some of you are smarty pants out there so help would be muchly appreciated... Thanks guys
  15. Actually VE calais are pertty noice....
  16. Heathcote Park Raceway I assume... about 15 mins outa bendigo vic
  17. That sounds like a whole lotta fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I dont believe you, hey you got $20 I can borrow, wanna become a donating member but dont have the cash lol... asked dags, and he said no :( lol

  19. you call that sh*t....go look up *Beep* threads lmao
  20. I wanna become a donating member, but dont have the $20 can u help me out?

  21. Well hold on you just missed what I said didnt you,,,, That wasnt my quote (dont like anything about the fg's- THAT WAS NVT's quote), I said between a f6-bf or a xr6 fg id go bf, I dont like fg xr6's, never said anything bad about the g6e, nothing wrong or contradicting about what I said mate, I think the g6e would suit his mrs from what he said and the bf2 phoon would suit for him... FG is a good car, just in my personal oppinion lacked a fair bit in the xr's, I didnt like the interior etc and the bf in my oppinion is nicer for the coinage.... Basically to summarize on both accounts I bitched on FG XR6's nothing contradictory there Oh, and you call that hard???? The only person who does me hard is jet, and I like it!
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