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Mrs Jeturbo

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Everything posted by Mrs Jeturbo

  1. People can chose to engage in common sense often but don’t.... being potentially tased for being a flog would discourage moronic behaviour. Im well aware of the what tasing does... have you ever been tased keith?
  2. Yeah it’s infuriating. J@ and I discussed like a freelance body that’s permitted to tase people if they’re being a knob... like proper knob. Those people with the authority should be made up of societies most intelligent people... not by book smarts but by life smarts. They have the power to tase on demand if they deem you’re being a retard. Its like Ike a negative training system, kind of like when you rub a dogs nose in its own chit. LOLOLOL Best part is all the people would be undercover so no one would know and when you least expect it.... bam... tasered for being a jack arse. Would work to reduce moron levels I reckon.
  3. This is how I feel about people in society in general... you know people who just can’t ‘life’ successfully. I’m not asking much... just like the ability to function with some degree of efficiency. Like for example the woman in front of me in the drive through paying for her coffee with 5cent pieces but realising she miscalculated by 15 cents so she needed to put wave it... but then needed to transfer money to do so...... IN A DRIVE THROUGH. Pick your places better biatch!
  4. @Rab I saw this... it reminded me of you... I got hungry... the end. https://imgur.com/gallery/c9NUr1K
  5. If it’s in Adelaide you are munted. Weve been looking for a place basically with an unlimited budget and it’s hard as chit with no rental history. Although if you only need 1 or 2 bedrooms then you should have as much trouble.
  6. I agree in that he does run the risk of putting the sport in disrepute and that’s the issue and I don’t know what the answer is. The problem is that if rugby Australia comes out and says the common sense thing like “we as a group of players all have different religions, belief systems and sexualities and we embrace everyone for those and promote equality and freedom of speech for all. We do not agree with his comments but he has a right to follow his religious beliefs and share those on his own platforms.” Then people would be outraged and automatically say that they were all bigots, which wouldn’t be the case. Its a a hard thing to navigate. Either way the bloke should have shut his trap and kept his beliefs to himself and those who want to listen on a private forum as he knows he’s a public figure and this would cause controversy, which is exactly why he did it obviously.
  7. But why Kefffy. Speech is just that, speech. People that don’t like it can simply stop listening, that’s the best part about having a brain, or ear plugs, you can chose what you want to listen or not listen to and how you act based on those things. He’s not breaking into houses and forcing people to pay attention to his redundant opinion. He’s simply stating what he believes to be the truth on his own platform, to his own followers (who presumably follow him because they’re interested in his beliefs)on the basis that this is what he believes being a Christian. Why should he be fired from his job or punished for that? Now if he was walking around directly insulting or threatening people individually or personally attacking someone then I completely agree, but he wasn’t, he was broadly commenting on a group of people who live a lifestyle which is diametrically opposed to his. Where do we draw the line as to how we punish people for their own opinions? Can you prove that god doesn’t exist and he isn’t going to send homosexuals to hell for their sins? Nope... so how can we judge his comments if we don’t even have evidence to support the fact their untrue? Oh oh but wait .... someone’s feelings go hurt... so we must not only reply with our own opinions and explain why we disagree... but punish him, ban him from working in his chosen field and make him regret his actions. interesting with the current climate if he was a Muslim.... would the public reaction be the same at the moment? Maybe.
  8. Agree But people in the public eye, regardless of their profession, can use that platform to have their opinion which means it will reach a wider audience than you or I for example. In that there becomes either mass public support or outrage depending on the persons stance or opinion. I guess I just find it interesting because he has an opinion, be it wrong or right, just because he plays professional ruby and his opinion isn’t conformist people are saying he should have his contract scrapped because it’s classes as “hate speech”. I think this is where that freedom of speech issue comes in and we as a society haven’t learnt to either accept free speech or not accept it. We tell ourselves we accept it, but then when someone says something we disagree with we call them a bigot or a racist even if they’re actually not. Just to add, I actually disagree with what he said, but I think he has a right to his opinion. Also Kim Lardashian is becoming a lawyer incase anyone needs a laugh this morning.
  9. Don’t care enough to look up his name. Also I am well aware who he is and his profession and it’s not about what he said as much as the reaction to it that has been had that I was saying was interesting.
  10. Not particularly. I actually posted about the Israel fillou stuff last night just out of interest as I saw it in passing.
  11. See here I go raising issues over a general about how our kids are going to pushed far left and you bring up dick sucking ohmos .... ffs bcb way to be extremeist hahaha I don’t want my children to be taught there is a god and I don’t want my children to be taught they’re gay. They can form their own opinions on both of those topics as they grow. School should not be a place of learning either of those topics except for teaching that we all have the right to believe or live as we chose and treat all people with the same kindness and respect regardless of their beliefs even if you think they’re wrong or stupid. Everyone is entitied to live the way they choose as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone and you have the same amount of right to live as a faithful Christian as someone who is homosexual has the right to live the way they chose. But at the same time I have the right to exist without either of you pushing your religious and homosexual beliefs on me as a person.
  12. Oh well geeze you’ve rally won that one with your intelligence and wit, congrats 👏 Anywho.... work rolled out a new intranet this week since the old one was about as old as computers themselves. Everyones been doing the “company thing” and commenting all over our social platforms how wonderful it is blah blah... it’s literally chit and less functional than our old system which is still in operation because they haven’t managed to integrate everything we need onto the new one. They made so much of a big deal about it and gave everyone merchandise branded with the new intranet logo and name on it... and my comment was “I would have rather that $14.94 have been put in my pay this week”. Maybe im just too synical in my old age 🤣
  13. “...IF you think those thingsdon’t have a direct effect on actual life then you’re very Ignorant.” maybe instead of laughing your mrs time would be better spent giving you a lesson in reading and interperatation so you don’t have to use so many tissues because you think everything is a personal insult when in fact it’s a statement generalising in regards to the ignorance of the general public IF they were to take a view point which is blatantly obvious. This is the second time you’ve literally missread and interperated someone’s clear post in a week to suit the agenda you wanted to push. ps. If that’s what gives you guys your laughs then I suspect you both need to engage in more fun activities. Tell me the mainstream media has no effect on society...... then I can call you ignorant... until then it was a generalised opinion of those who chose to bury their heads in the sand. Do you genuinely believe social social media and mainstream media has no effect on society itself?
  14. that's a valid point to a degree but also if you think those things don’t have a direct effect on actual life then you’re very ignorant. The way our kids are being taught at school, the way people behave in public.... if you look at a 13 year old now see how left wing they are and it will explain everything. Social media and the media has had the biggest effect on society for the longest time, or it wouldn’t exist. Also.... Puff this is not how you clean a cat FYI for next time
  15. Israel Fillou is rabbiting in about how the gays are going to hell and everyone’s claiming hate speech. No no hate speech would be something like “fags stink like but juice and they should all be hung” stating his religious beliefs is not hate speech or threatening and he should be entitled to say whatever the feck he wants. Being offended is subjective!!!! Ps... I’m pro gay/whatever people wanna do, cl as far as I’m concerned what you choose to do is none of my business and as long as you’re not hurting anyone then who cares. But this whole Bs is truly out of control
  16. Hate cats..... and yes he’s a weird looking Kent
  17. Sorry can’t help ya. Now poor... just spent $3000 on two nights away. Ask arronm.... he has a house made of gold bars
  18. Well we’re finally home.... unfortunately LOL Definitely will be going back!
  19. For your family size I suppose that’s a good option actually I hate the idea of driving a van of any kind myself completely for the safety aspect after seeing too many people I know with no leg function after a van crash. Not to mention they’re not even safe for the passengers in the event of a t bone incident
  20. Is this a joke or have u literally lost your mind? Coz I already had the nut house on speed dial just incase 🤣
  21. Front is back is only an inch long haha
  22. Woke up to morning secs (morning secs is the best!) ... an amazing breakfast ... two hours in the spa.... an hour and a half massage in room... retail therapy...then relax while conference calling our broker with more good news... now out for dinner life’s really hard. Pics of hair cut for @bloodycrashboy being ill sucks... hair was falling out... so chop chop we go.
  23. Damn. I thought 7 years post op my Adam’s apple would at least be less prominent by now.
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