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Everything posted by Mrs Jeturbo
Feeling a non scale victory today…. my RHR used to be 80-90bpm when I was obese…. Im now approaching athlete territory with a RHR of about 56bpm…. health wins FTW
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After losing 51kgs total … went into a small bulk for the last 10weeks or so and now into an aggressive cut to get ready for my 2023 footy season… playing centre half forward so gotta step up my game… program is pretty strict with loads of cardio and weights still but calorie restrictive af on high protein first 4 weeks - 1200cals & 120g protein second 4 weeks - 1500cals & 140g protein last 2 weeks - 1800cals & 140g protein For an idea on an average program day I’m burning 3400-3800 cals easily. not a long term sustainable system but hard and fast to get lean for footy and make the most of my gainzzzz Pics of December when I started the bulk vs today …. And pics of program so far
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So leg day is my favourite... been making big gains in weight training... pyramid training is going really well for me... and I cranked out some PBs today... Leg day was as follows Warm up - assault bike and mobility stretching. Hack squat (god I hate that machine!) 10x No weight full range of motion 20x 20kgs 15x 30kgs 12x 40kgs 8x 50kgs 15x 30kgs Leg Press (pre load resistance roughly 45kgs) 20x 40kgs 15x 60kgs 12x 80kgs 10x 100kgs 8x 120kgs 4x 140kgs (new PB normally wouldn’t do this many sets but I was seeing where my new max was) 15x 60kgs 20x 40kgs For reference I’m under 70kgs body weight so loading double my body weight. Hip Thrusts 15x 40kgs (plus bar) 12x 60kgs 10x 80kgs 6x 100kgs (120kg including bar) 20x 40kgs Then did leg extension and leg curls. then loads of stretching!!!!! (Can’t do calf’s as I’m nursing a calf tear from footy) Hip flexors are feeling pushed from footy on my left side but other than that feeling good... I don’t get DOMS and my gains are really tangible to date (started with 30kgs on leg press LOL). I have a very high protein intake and I’ve stayed consistent with my weight even though my legs/arms etc are noticeably growing muscle so I think recomposition is going well to date. Shoulders, back and arms are filling out also... over all feeling STRONG! 💪🏼
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So this is an interesting one Stripes. I’ve been asked by a ton of people if I’d consider coaching them/giving advice/making videos etc of tips and help for people... I considered doing a Chanel of some description to help people, dispel myths, work on achievable goals etc etc and share my general experience... because losing 50kgs and changing your lifestyle and mindset is NOT the same as losing 10-15 or yo yo-ing or fad diets etc the list goes on... and more importantly... being consistent and accepting/making these habits a part of your life long term is something of the upmost importance rather than the weight loss itself IMO! Do that and the weight will go by itself. To a degree what puff is saying has merit, but also is the same as telling someone with depression to just snap out of it. obesity is a disease and has many contributing factors. How do we get fat? Being in a calorie surplus. How do we get in that calorie surplus? By eating more and moving less? Why did that happen?.... and there it is.... the answer is gonna be different for everyone and therefore the solution is going to be different for everyone!!! I don’t just mean physical reasons either, most are associated with a disorder or dysfunctional relationship around food to some capacity. Some are related to underlying health issues people aren’t aware they have (usually despite people’s eagerness to use this as an excuse it’s actually not, but more of a reason someone might feel more fatigued or be challenged by their illness to stay in a sub optimal nutrition status). Some are related to habits and environment. Some are related to emotional trauma or mental health issues which manifest as a food dysfunction/lack of motivation or ability to exercise. To be honest the advice I’d offer everyone would be different based on their own circumstances... but if I had to give you one hot tip/list of steps ... it would be this... 1. Go to the doctors (if you haven’t already, and get a FULL physical including all blood and levels, thyroid, etc.). Assuming that’s fine or you address any issues then move onto the next step. 2. Do not change a single thing but track what goes in your mouth... INCLUDING CALORIES WE DONT LIKE TO COUNT OR FORGET TO COUNT!!! I can elaborate on that one for hours!!! Being honest, real and thorough is of the upmost importance with this! 3. Work out your BMR and establish how much of a surplus you’re in currently (or maintenance etc) and work out why... is it times of day where you binge.. is it situational (work, weekends, events, etc) ... is it holistic (just all over making bad choices or eating too much volume) or random... and have a really good think about why that is. Why are you treating food in that capacity... may be as simple as an addiction to sugar (you see in tracking your diet is sugar heavy etc) or may be that you have a depression trigger which causes you to eat etc. ... either way figure out where your triggers are or what the catalyst might be. Try to address this (this one is complicated so I won’t elaborate). 4. Figure out an ACHIEVABLE deficit (500 cals say)... and eat exactly what you’re eating now, but less. Cut something easy out (usually volume or by substitution) to achieve that 500... then repeat this step every few weeks with portion control or moderation until you’re at 1000cals a day deficit (this is only achievable when you have a high bmr due to being overweight and this will need to be adjusted over time). DURING THIS PHASE DO NOT: - include any exercise routines you’re not already doing - cut out any foods you like or are addicted to, but moderate them/portion control them (the aim is not to shock your body into withdrawals but slowly change it along with your mental approach to food). - make any dramatic lifestyle changes, stay with what you’re doing, stay consistent. I did not include exercise into my routine until 4/6 months in and even then it was moderate and infrequent for the most part... and I didn’t include daily exercise until 2 months ago!!! Because I know it was too much of a change for me to sustain. I didn’t focus on diet and nutrition (eating more nutritious foods etc) until 6 months in... and even then, I make sure I moderate, not cut anything out because I know my body will just crave it more. Only now am I trying to really achieve 140-170g protein daily because it aligns with my body cravings due to the weight training... my body WANTS fuel and I’m listening to it... in fact I’m about to smash nandos as we speak and I had a massive beef burger and chips for lunch... however I burnt 3500 cals yesterday from footy and gym... so you learn to listen to your body... but you need to go through a healing phase with your body so it starts sending the right messages in the first place! This is all a process and what I’ve said above worked for me because it’s not instant, it’s not over night, it’s not a quick fix or diet, it’s a lifestyle change which is sustainable and enables us to learn lessons on the way about nutrition, fitness, calories, etc. Biggest piece of advice, throw any ideas of fad diets in the bin. Shakes, fasting, Keto, whatever other BS some cooked KARnt is peddlin... STOP IT! You’re better off waiting another 6 months to start than starting any of that crap coz I almost promise you’ll fail and put back on every kg you lose plus some. Stop worrying about exercise!! (Unless you enjoy it and it’s already part of your routine) our calories we burn in exercise make up for such a small percentage overall of our daily output!!! You DO NOT need to exercise to lose weight, period. Once you start to see results make more SMALL and achievable changes gradually at the same time as addressing your dysfunction (whatever that is) around food as well. Then you can start to incorporate exercise when you feel like you’re gonna enjoy it or it’s going to add value to your life rather than be something you’re forcing yourself to do. That’s my 2 cents... Happy to help if u need... Let me know if u need a source/ help with good BMR calculators or deficit goals etc etc. PS. counting calories is also a big area people screw up. Either from lack of understanding on how to do it, or forgetting to count every single thing they actually consume.
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Well I don’t wanna jinx anything ... but there has been talk by my coach of the SANFLW for my future potentially 😬 but I’m old and have a long way to go hahah so who knows
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Well... I have had to make a big mental shift from 50kgs/10months worth of calorie restrictions to actually learning to fuel my body... but I think day by day I’m getting there... This is what sitting on my but feeling sorry for myself due to my diagnosis vs weight training 6-7 times a week and football/high intensity cardio 2 times a week looks like ... Freaking out the scales are going up a tad (yes I know why but it’s still scary after focusing on numbers going down for so long). Gaining 2kgs in 2 months but losing a whole clothing size again makes me feel okay about it.... still a bit shift and something my mindset is changing into... fuelling my body instead of feeding it. But onwards and upwards. Footy is amazing also... absolutely loving it and can feel my cardio and fitness getting better every week so fast... also enjoy the game much more than I realised and happen to be half decent at it (transferable skills from basketball I think), so that helps
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Not so much weight training but on another fitness tangent... pre season for footy kicks off tomorrow night... pretty excited to see where my fitness is at and hopefully get more fit as the weeks go on 😃
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Happy Wednesday... #inb4keif
Well it’s official... after weighing in this morning I can officially say 3 things... 1. I haven’t weighed this little since I was 17 years old 2. I can deadlift more than my body weight 3. When I lat pull down and release my knees from the pad I get pulled upwards like a small child holding onto a spinning clothesline LOL
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Naw thanks freaky ❤️❤️❤️ J@ and I love you too x
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Update... Did every morning this week with a break for the weekend... feeling really good and strong. Monday’s legs Tuesday’s back and biceps Wednesday’s chest and triceps Thursday’s core and glutes Friday’s cardio only weekend’s rest/run/long walk Didn’t wanna include my ugly mug but just an idea of what 50kgs lost looks like... For reference I am 5ft 3 and was a size 22 in the first pic and now a size 8-10. Got some bit and pieces this morning as I’m finding I really need more protein. Hard to get a good amount in my diet naturally as I don’t like meat much and I like quick and easy through the day... so got some slow release protein desert for night time and some for after work outs ... Also stepped up my thermogenic powder game as I was on oxyshred for the last 2 months and felt like it wasn’t doing much for me anymore... so we will see how this goes
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Conquered a fear this morning. Under 1kg to go until a total loss of 50kgs and I figure it’s time to get strong again. So went to a new gym this morning and started strength training again. going to the gym at my previous weight was something that both scared me and felt impossible, but at 5 this morning I got to the gym and smashed out a leg session followed but some low intensity cardio focusing on climbing... Feeling shaky but good and actually excited for tomorrow morning
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Thanks keif... I more meant she refuses to chase it to begin with... even the metre... and I’ve done it with her favourite toys and she just looks at me like “wtf why did u throw that” 😂 But I will endeavour to continue to try LOL
I cannot refute that statement to a great degree ... the reason being the recent evidence that said “dog people” have provided on my interactions with them recently. I bought my dog for it’s life cycle, in fact, the puppyness (whilst admittedly adorable) is my least favourite part of the dog lifecycle. However, the constant gushes from morons (who always mention their dogs in the brief interaction) who feel compelled to come up and allow/encourage your puppy (unprompted) to jump all over them and lick them etc... gets freaking tiresome real quick!!! I’m trying to teach my dog the right social etiquette so she’s not “that dog” and you’re undoing it all by (without permission) forcing yourself onto my dog and making them misbehave essentially. In fact, the two times I’ve been asked “hi, may I pat your pup” I nearly fell over... as it seems, just like with pregnant bellies, morons feel they’re public property for the touching!
I honestly cannot recommend a BC highly enough... I fully understand we are city dwellers, but I got her for a running buddy and immediately she was like a piece of furniture in the family. She’s the most affectionate and loving pup. So clever (our trainer said there is a list of dogs from smartest to dumbest... then there’s a whole new book for the BC). Within the first week she was training well and even rolling over, as an 11 week old that’s pretty cool. Definitely needs stimulation... not so much physical but mental... she thrives on challenges and agility... but refuses to fetch a ball (trainer thinks she’s too smart for it and therefore has no interest maybe🤷🏼♀️) To add to the weight of it, we have about 9 BCs between myself and my colleagues (we have work dog days where we take our pups to work)... and every single person reports the same thing, in fact several have multiples because they loved their first one so much they needed a second. On these days everyone’s dogs are running around the office causing havoc half the time, but all the BCs are just off leash sitting by their owners desk. As long as you invest time into training, and plenty of loves (fly is legit the most affectionate dog I’ve ever met, even spooned j@ to sleep and he didn’t even want a dog LOL), then they’ll be your best buddies for life... and given the big space you have for them to run, they’d love it. Just my experience.
Yesssum she is dog spam....
Very true puffy!!! I can’t believe how irresponsible some people are! That must have been bloody scary!
Yeah for sure keif... I’ve been around my fair share of dogs and the very distinct stance this dog was taking and moving with was very telling of aggression.... it doesn’t make it easier that the breed/size of the dog is more threatening by nature for sure... but when the hair is raised, tail erect and body fully stiff as it’s moving toward you with its mouth open and teeth snarling then it’s kinda scary I will say. Very scary to think of what the outcome could have been as once a dog starts attacking it isn’t something I have really dealt with or thought about and not something I want to experience if I can avoid it.
Dog owners who are kaaarnts is wpmo Out for my 5am walk/run with the dog and some lovely specimens are outside their house and their pitbull looking dog is off leash and runs out behind a car across the road ready to attack me and the pup. Pup situated herself between the dog and me instantly and thank goodness after me yelling the ferals grabbed their bully as it’s half way across the road ready to attack us. Can’t express how protective Fly was and wouldn’t leave my side the rest of the walk and all morning... laying all over me and wouldn’t shift from next to me until I had to leave for work. She heard someone coming down the stairs and instantly stood to attention and growled/barked until she saw it was the eldest coming downstairs for the morning and then slathered him with kisses. Got a nasty gouge out of my knee from the ruckus... but Jeeze just don’t let your dog out and not on a leash ffs!!! Especially if it’s prone to attack or be vicious. The instant of Fly putting herself in between me and the attacking dog made me even more appreciative of her... she’s a real protector and the reason I got her was to make sure I felt safe while doing my morning work outs... so good to know she’s assumed the protective role within our family without actively teaching her so. I watched her attentiveness to all the strangers we passed on the remainder of the walk and I have no doubt she is not a vicious dog but would tear strips if someone tried to grab/hurt me. She’s the goodest of all the doggos ❤️
Read this and it should answer your query pretty quickly (skip to the most recent and read it backwards)
I know you’re not talking to me... but I got my toe nails done today (opened toed shoe event upcoming)... I haven’t ever had this done and it looks so awesome I’m thinking about selling feet pics 🤣🤣🤣
Hahah 🤣🤣🤣 thanks Puff 🥰 fanks keiffffiiiieeee ❤️
WMMFG.... I feel like I’ve come further in the last 18 months in my career than in the last ten years. I officially have not one, but our organisations two largest building projects to manage as well as the others I am running with.... but today I got some cool news... I have been asked to consult as a permanent panel member for a newly formed committee within the organisation which is now responsible for the long term strategy for community major infrastructure needs. A position which I was specifically requested to take on due to my expertise and to which I am the only one in the committee not in an executive or senior leadership position. It’s a pretty big deal for my type of role within my sector and an opportunity which isn’t often forwarded, so feeling very lucky but also proud I’ve been recognised as being valuable in that position. 🥰
Moaning Keifffff.... it is a happy Sunday indeed... Today is 10 years since j@ and I tied the knot! That means it’s ten years since we saw your urbro loving arse too!
Pics!!!! Can see if it rivals what @JETURBO did to his pinkie the other week when I had to play nurse hahah