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Mrs Jeturbo

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Everything posted by Mrs Jeturbo

  1. It’s always about you freaky. ... hahaha j@ just made me watch Training Day.... meh...
  2. S7s are for boring accountants who have been married over ten years, who never get laid (except their birthday), because their wives resent them as they married the “smart guy” instead of the “hot” guy ...but love their cheque book so stay married in infinite misery, usually with two teenage kids in a nice neighbourhood... not so nice they’re rich but nice enough to know one of them makes alright money. Their wife drives a 2012 Range Rover and whinges her car isn’t new enough because when she drops her two teenagers at their private school she has the least fancy car there... If freaky was an accountant in ten years he’d drive one.
  3. Only happens once a year after all.
  4. Good to know bcb! Our last Samsung has lasted ten years and still going.... we hasn’t purchased a nice tv in a decade now (only a 50inch soniqe cheapy) so we decided to splash this time around. It comes with Apple TV pre installed so saved us buying it externally as well. Currently watching john wick 3 on it as we speak and pretty stoked.
  5. I was a bad influence on j@ this morning and got a new 75incj Samsung at JBs
  6. I only needed half bahaha
  7. I had my pen*s cut off to donate to keif since he didn’t have one previously ... I’m sure you’re enjoying my 18” big black Schlong now wait ya @k31th 😉
  8. Hahahah it’s not massively metro. Light chinos, a shirt and sports jacket with some nice brown leather shoes.
  9. Thanks stripey! 😘 Good morning all. J@ accompanied me to a gfs wedding last night and for the first time in literally a lot of months I drank... and got drunk. I blame the bride and her insistence on me having shots with her. The good news is it was pretty fun and I don’t even feel that dusty today, but there might be a 48 hour lag on it so we shall see bahahah also good news... made j@ wear full metro get up and he looked quite sensational (all be it not very stoked with me) lolol hows everyone’s weekend going?
  10. that's what always lets me down... my muscles are strong enough but my hand skin and muscles are weak so I fail sooner than my arm and core muscles would if I had stronger tougher hands. #girlyhands thanks @bloodycrashboy we didn’t do anything last night as I wasn’t well, but it J@ is lucky I might take him out for a steak dinner tonight lol.
  11. Seeing results? How are ya hands feeling? Happy Thursday Everyone! #inb4keif
  12. Thanks camo. Basically my disease turns healthy tendons calcified then to bone, including in my spine and major joints through major inflammation caused by an auto immune response. Its weird, some days I’m at the gym pumping it out feeling pretty okay (never great but somewhat normalish), then the next day I might not be able to move as inflammation consumes my joints, mainly my back and pelvis, which causes huge pain and stiffness, (80%of bone marrow in my pelvis is inflamed on my last MRI), then because my body works so hard attacking itself I have zero energy some days, like today, and can barely function. Plus like the strongest aching pain in my back and pelvis... like feels like I’ve broken something. It effects my eyes as well (they jump around due to inflamed eye tendons) and my other joints like feet, chest and ribs aswell as giving my crohns. The best thing to do is rest to let me body conserve energy and heal as with any auto immune disease, but at the same time I have to keep active to ensure I don’t literally fuse all my bones together and staying stagnant is what causes mass pain... so night times are a karnt for me, can’t lay down comfortably anymore without drugs basically, and if I’ve been sitting on a hard chair for more than an hour I’m farrked. I had to attend a Tec meeting the other day and two hours in I was in so much pain I ended up standing up for an hour like a rude asshole just to relieve it (luckily I had the energy that day). I have injections weekly to try and stop the progression, which stop my immune system from working, which makes me sick more often. Anyways sorry for the rant hahah. Hows everyone else going? Whats new... so quiet in here these days... at least I have Keith to reference what day it is though hahah.
  13. Happy Wednesday Keif... Had a mixed day.... Good because it’s my 7th wedding anniversary to the clown himself @JETURBO .... in a couple months it will be a full decade he’s put up with me which I think we all know is a miracle in itself LOL... Not so great that my specialist called and said my test results were crapola ... like super crapola... so we’re trying to work out how to change strategies and fix that. Happy Wednesday evening ohmos!
  14. Nah, it’s actually nice coz it’s the 20 minutes in a day they’re not punching each other’s light out lol
  15. on another note, so glad we got a super king bed instead of a king. The 2.5 year old still vomits at least once a week on average or is sick, wakes up his brother, so both boys end up having cuddles in our bed for hours. At least we can all fit... until he turns sideways. #cantheybe18yet?
  16. It was.... It doesnt... it stands for “sometimes life gets in the way of best laid plans and instead of shopping for which intercooler kit gets put on, you end up shopping for which wheelchair or mobility device your wife needs on the days she can barely walk” And all that jazz. Exciting sh*t often gets a back seat to important sh*t, you of all people know that.
  17. Meh. When you’re too busy modifying everyone else’s car plus everything else we have on, modifying a daily driver is not high on the priority list.
  18. J@ and I out for a drive in the Jet... me: whenever I drive this car it’s all spin and snaking everywhere... when you drive it’s all traction... wtf. J@: yeah I know... I do that on purpose me: I am aware, I was calling you boring. Him:
  19. Nespresso are a commercial client of mine... paid $0 for five different machines
  20. Afternoon all just finished playing footy with the boys.... and the doggo ... she’s knackered lol
  21. Surely that proves a point then 🤷‍♀️ If you love it enough to marry it then it must be good right.
  22. Bahahahah kids say the darndest things.... my son told me today he wants to get a mustang, I asked him why, he said coz they’re cool, but then told me we couldn’t afford one so don’t bother worrying. Brutal shade AF
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