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Mrs Jeturbo

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Mrs Jeturbo last won the day on November 27 2024

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About Mrs Jeturbo

  • Birthday 08/04/1991

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    Bob the Freaking Builder

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  1. Yeah crazy hey! 2 bed apartment is about $900-$1000 here atm… But it’s not uncommon to see houses in the $2-3k per week realm either Our place is a modest 3 bed 80s build… 2000s updated kitchen but everything else is original so not fancy… But it is on the water with our own dock/pontoon and I can see the city and coast from our pool… so it’s prime position that’s the $ I guess. But I was shocked when the neighbour sold (Same house without a new kitchen and a smaller pool basically) for $4.25 mil a couple months ago. 🤯 Normal income families just can’t afford that… I chose the area based on the schools… didn’t realise the neighbours all had lambos and g wagons though 🤣
  2. Both… hence why we wanted to buy… but it’s ridiculous 🤯
  3. Got a stark reality when we moved east… $1400 rent per week on a place… liked the house and area so explored the possibility of purchasing it… Found out it’s valued at $4.5 mil Da…. Faaaaaark
  4. Lmfao! Neither 🤣… bikini? I’m insulted tbh 🤣… IFBB Figure Division Not gonna disclose the new job but it’s basically full time body building in a manner of speaking. Absolutely training wise doing it job or no jobs is the same in regards to training to a degree… but when your focus is on competition then it’s not just training that makes the progress… when it’s legit your full focus you have the time to get all the elements in check which is what yields the significant results. When your day consists of a coach dictating your days and they consist of food, training, food, steps, food, cardio, food, steps, meal prep, recovery & massage & therapies… it makes it much easier than having to go to “work” 8 hours a day… especially when you’re deep in doing 60 mins stairs every day plus 20,000 steps on 1200 cals or lower plus 2-3 hour weight sessions. Everyone likes to point toward roids 🤣 I’ll take it as a compliment… fact is, when you weigh every gram of food that goes in your mouth, make every session count and methodically train based on what your goals are with correct form and intensity and tick every box your coach tells you to… you’ll make astounding results…. Like losing 50% of your body mass… I’ve lost over 60kg to date. Its not everyone’s cup of tea 🤷🏼‍♀️… and its a lot harder at times than what I ever thought… having a huge mental fog or overcoming such fatigue to drag yourself up stairs for an hour when you literally have nothing left… can’t even string a sentence together at times because your mental focus doesn’t exist… But if it’s your thing and you’re willing to put in the work then it’s doable 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also, when you’re lean, you look bigger than what you are… I’m a size 6/8 in clothes, like small small… so I might look quite big, but its deceiving due to the level of lean. When I’m 3kgs heavier I look normal size 8 small female 🤣
  5. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Body building is basically now part of my full time job so I have 24 hours a day to focus on it… I’m very lucky 🥰 I am competing yes … but need to grow some more before we go on stage. 🥰
  6. Day of pick up…. she’s filthy atm 🤣🤣🤣
  7. Bought a new fridge/freezer to go in the back of my Uterus today… Comes next week and excited to set it up… Should go nicely in the back of Raptor 🥰 Oh… PS… I got a Raptor ages ago 🤣
  8. Hey Keifff long time no post… thought I’d give an update… Ate lots of food… lifted heavy stuff… Spent 17 weeks in prep eating f*k all and still lifting heavy stuff… got decently lean… now going back to eating lots and lifting heavy stuff again… the end 🤣
  9. Shoulders today … the last couple shoulder days I’ve managed to DB shoulder press the 25kg dbs for reps so pretty stoked… also took a pretty cool photo and realised how much back gains have been made May 2023-Feb 2024
  10. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
  11. 240 is hauling ass puff welldone 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
  12. thanks I am actively trying to not build traps any further as they’re freaking way too big atm hahaha 🤣 I have started seeing delt separation the last few weeks which is awesome 🥰
  13. Well after 2022 involving a huge loss of 51kgs 2023 was a year of overall scale gain of 6kgs. I leaned down in so many areas overall though so there were phases of recomp and from the calculations I have gained over 10kgs of muscle in 2023… today was the first day of a 3 month mini cut to see where I’m at … aim is to lose 10kgs over 12ish weeks… bringing me down to a good lean point to assess what areas need focused growth for a lean bulk for the remainder of 2024. 1 year bulk results
  14. I’m have to agree with keiffff I had some wine last night and doing quads today was like a bath of sweat and awfulness bahah 🤣🤣🤣 plus alcohol hinders protein synthesis… don’t wanna ruin the gainssssss hahaha
  15. Merry Gainzmass peeps! Was glutes day today… I have been training legs of some form every second day on this program. it’s been 8 weeks roughly… I feel like I haven’t seem a difference in leg appearance, until I looked at a comparison photo today… August vs December Bring on 2024 growth!
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