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  1. Agree with above statement!
  2. Im still keen and 730 at the new carpark sounds super. On the other hand I rear ended some dickhead yesterday on the way to work. Stupid Lonsdale roadworksI had a car to my right changing lanes onto me and a car infront dropped there anchors I had nowhere to go boxed in so it was either hit the car in front or get side swiped by this dick. My bumper and bonnet are a little worse for wear but Ill be replacing them in the next fortnight. Completely still driveable but dont know if you guys wanna be seen with a dinged up XR6T?
  3. No just currently my stab vest is in the shop. I hate the Northern suburbs (No offence intended). Why not meet on the outskirts of the CBD central to everyone (I think?). Then go from there?
  4. If its not meeting out at Parafield Ill go this time. 1.BlueXR6Turbo 2.xr6turbo_chick 3.jeturbo 4.Spoolax 5.Manchie Let me know times and place and Ill confirm my attendance!
  5. So just to clarify things where are we meeting and what are we doing? All Ive gathered s far is its at 830.
  6. This Friday 8.30pm I'm there if you get some people together?
  7. Hey guys new here. Im from Adelaide would love to go on a cruise, see what people have done to there xr6t's tog et ideas and I guess do the social side? Little background info: 19 Live at Glenelg Drive a 04 BA XR6T Citric Acid Ute Not many mods just CAPA flasher Turbosmart BOV 19" Recently got it back on the road after being defected for window tint too dark! Dyno 244rwkw at 11psi So yeah if any cruises are organised would love to come Cheers, Manch
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