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Youtube vids don't show every angle of every person, during every second. Race did not have much of a factor in last nights events. Yes the prodominant factor was ethnic (as it always seems to be), but there were ethnics and aussies alike trashing sh*t.
I think the idea was to get maximum amount of carnage to be happening before police went in. That way the cops and government have plenty of ammo to shoot against car enthusiests(/hoons), and alot of sh*t to make our lives hell. If they had of moved in sooner and stopped this happening, then we may have had a valid reason to be there.
I would advise against hitting 'any' road in any sort of modified vehicle from now on. *Awaits new laws to come in*
It's alright. I'll just go stab people, rob houses, and hold up stores and get off on bail and a suspended sentance, sh*t I might even get a year or two in jail. God forbid I get into a police chase though.. 3 years in jail.. farrrk
I don't rant to boost my ego. It doesn't need boosting. Nor do I think it gets me brownie points with a bunch of so called 'mature' adults on an internet forum. I share my opinion because it pisses me off how blind some people are. It pisses me off because this is the world we live in. It makes me wonder that if you're scared your kids will have an attitude like mine, then you probably wont even want to hear about this sort of sh*t that will be happening in their lives in the not so distant future. It scares me to think that you may be the sort of parent who doesn't care what the world is like because they don't want to accept it. What heat is it you're talking about? Because I cop enough of it from older supposedly more 'mature' adults who think anyone under their age mustn't have had all this 'life experience' that they base their opinions on. I am not angry at the world, but rather the people on it. Why? Because the things I talk about effect myself, my family and the people I care about. I would actually hope to god that your children are as aware as I am at this age, because from every person that I've encounted on this earth, barely any are.
Thanks for your kind words that I must be a rare individual. I know that.. I really do. However again, you're basing this all on age. You think that because I'm 19 I have no idea about previous generations? Seriously.. what exactly is it you think I have no idea about? You think that because I'm 19 I might not have as much life experience as someone who is 30? That I might not know 'what you guys did'? People need to wake up and stop being so blind sighted. THAT is what's wrong with 99% of the individuals in today's society. Unwilling, and incapable of accepting anything other than what they see. (bit off topic, but it needs to be said)
So what's the point of your post? How is that abuse, or even enlightenment? You're stating experiences .. The only compassion I have is for his family, friends, and the people that cleaned up his mess. Some for the passangers, but still very little. And none for him. Amazing how you believe that theres nothing wrong with the youth of today. I suppose if you had a brother that was bashed within inches of his life for not giving up his wallet, then that may be some concellation as to why you're completely wrong in that statement. Quite similar to your experience, only caused by someone on the other end of the scale .. right?
I completely agree with you. Get f*cked. You have no idea mate. I'm 19, and I witness first hand what the youth of today is like. Try going out into the city at night. I see kids getting arrested everywhere. People getting stabbed. 16year olds out at 3am looking for people to fight, or to get drugs. I see taxis getting bottled if they wont pick a suss looking group up. If you think this behaviour is all A.OK, and theres nothing with these kids, then you need to wake the f*ck up. Sounds like you havn't been out of the house in years mate. If your kids are 10 & 13, I'd be keeping a very close eye on them. The youth of today is getting alot worse than what it used to be. Believe me. 1) I can't think of a word close to 'deserving' of death .. but it'd be close. Too bad this kid took out innocents with him, aswell as caused a bad rep for every fkn P plater. 2) The passangers willingly got into the car with him knowing he was drunk, and had prior driving record.. They're all f**king wankers. None of them even gave a sh*t about their own lives. I've always maintained the mantra that if you drink or take drugs and get into a car to drive, you have to be willing to die or kill someone else. It's one of the stupidest things you can do. And to be driving at those sort of speeds WITH an overloaded car and smashed off your head.. I mean come on.. does anyone even have common sense anymore?
No worries. I do agree with that. However I doubt anyone running that sort of boost pressure would want 'flutter' as it's sort of an aesthetic thing Those that ARE can seem to afford a plentiful amount of new turbos as replacements anyway..
Okay, so you're an engineer.. what does that have to do with anything? I've seen self proclaimed 'pilots' barely have an idea about how their own aircraft works. Your title does not mean you have the correct knowledge. Have you worked with cars much? If so how much do you REALLY know about them? I think it would be wise for you to read the following thread with regards to TURBO'D PERFORMANCE VEHICLES ie: the xr6turbo. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/Turbo-Flutter-Blow-Off-Valves-t24608.html It's stickied in the BOV section, which is where this thread is located Flutter will not cause the turbo to fail sooner, nor decrease it's life. The turbo will fail due to it's own wear and tear, and the boost pressure running THROUGH it long before flutter does any damage to it.
If the car was a hyandai, no one would be saying a fkn thing other than R.I.P in this thread. Stupid really.. as has been stated time and time again, that even a piece of sh*t hyandai, and basically any other P plate legal car, could have reached this speed (and especially given the road he was on). People will die. Kids will die. It's a fact of life given todays society. I agree whole heartedly with rockafellqeinstien that the parents of todays children should be doing more to instill the correct values and attitudes in them. Too bad wankers almost certainly breed wankers (refer to 'role models'), and there are that many of them these days that the 'correct attitude' is instilled by no more than a few, and witheld by even less. It's a sad, tragic event, yes. But everyone getting their panties in a knot over 'young kids in high performance cars' really need to wake up. As I said before, People will die. Kids will die. It's a fact of life given todays society. And it's only a matter of time before we see more kids dying on our streets, rather than putting their cars into trees. It's already scary enough walking through the city at night. The government has this whole thing backwards, as does the media, as do most of the people in todays society. I've seen so much critesising of young and old, not only in this thread, but against young guys who cruise around in nice cars. "Make more restrictions" , "make the tests harder" , "speed limit cars" , "make driving courses compulsory" Okay.. these are all suggestions. Some with alot more benefit than others. The government will do what the government will do. No one can seem to change that these days, because really.. the suggestions that will prevent the most fatalities, cost the most, and won't bring in as much revenue. Because that's what this is.. a money driven government. Just as our state police are all 'money driven organisations.' Everyone should seriously just shut the f*ck up, and worry about their own family and friends instead of B1TCHING about everyone else. If the government doesn't bring these initiatives in, then so be it. As a friend, parent, or what have you, TAKE the initiative and put your son or daughter on the track or skid pan days. TAKE the initiative and make them attend these defensive driving courses. TAKE the f*cking initiative and MAKE SURE you lead by example and instill the correct driver attitudes in them, because it is every one of our responsibilities to help create a safe environment for each other.
Road Safety Facts, Safety Not Revenue Raising Speed Cameras - Lots of links to studies and statistics .. (which are facts)
no you can't. You don't have the power over life and death so PLEASE stop kidding yourself. That's gotta be one of the most ignorant statements yet. Up there with the mentality of the guy who drove himself into the tree I would think. And if this L plater was doing 80km/h, and you came up behind him while glancing down to look at your speed doing 20-30km/h more than him, you would've been more likely to rear-end him and have a collision, than him causing you to crash by overtaking at 120km/h. Use your head.
How old are you? Those are both ridiculous ideas that wouldn't solve a thing. GPS tracking for WHAT reason? That's an absolute invasion of privacy for no reason. Unless you want to be 'tracking' something else other than location? (you havn't stated..) Quite an invasion of privacy I believe. I'm sure you would've hated it as a young adult, and I'm sure most people would. You are still treating this age group as children. They are not. Speed limited cars? To what? Anything below 110 would be dangerous, as most Australian roads have a max speed limit of 110. I don't know about you, but I think it's EXTREMELY fkn dangerous when you come up behind someone on a freeway doing 30km/h UNDER the speed limit. That sort of driving CAUSES accidents, it does not save lives. A limiter will mean that alot of kids will be sitting with their foot to the floor (depending on what speed the car should be limited to in your oh so wise opinion), and won't be concentrating on the road (as most drivers regardless of age already dont), and it will more than likely create more accidents. The drinking age raised to 21 will not stop a thing either. Small collisions maybe, but MOST of those collisions (non fatal) are caused by those over the age of 21 (including all those with a BAC over 0.00 (as it's ZERO tollerance on your Ps). The idea between these government initiatives is to save lives. More restrictions will do NOTHING to change attitude, and will NOT save lives.
To be honest.. I think theres a larger margin for error. (that's given my experience, I will explain why). Having a high powered vehicle doesn't necessarily make it more 'dangerous' at all. It's not like because the car runs 10s, and L plater is driving, they'll giving it 100% off the lights every time. I don't know about you, but I certainly learnt throttle control when I started driving. In a lower powered vehicle, you are less likely to learn this as foot to the floor = a slowwwwwwww ramp up to the speed limit anyway. The whole idea that my old man got me to drive a high powered vehicle, was BECAUSE I had limited experience. It was to TEACH me how to drive a car, aswell as how to drive on public roads. Most modified cars generally have modified brakes to cope with high speeds when stopping yes? The car I learnt in had a PBR2 slotted rotor kit, and it pulled up harder than anything else on the f*cking road. I've had a guy pull out infront of me and hit the brakes, and if I wasn't in a car with the high performance brakes I was, I would've ran up his arse. You seem to be so quick to judge. Like every L plater is a hoon. Like every L plater has no idea. Like every L plater 'cant handle the power.' .. well seriously.. who says they're even going to use it? It's so situationally dependant that you're passing blind judgements as bad as any authority that believes "ALL modifications to cars should be illegal." Please open your eyes abit more mate Less speed cameras = less revenue so that won't happen, but I definately agree with you about driver training. Also another thing I've noticed, is that regarless of power it's easy to get into a tricky situation whether you're in the wet or dry. However some cars don't have 'enough' power to pull back out of it, so it doesn't hurt to have a little bit of power at your ready.