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About dannyyoung

  • Birthday 01/10/1990

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    minitrucks, car audio, bmx, motocross etcetcetc

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  1. Happy Birthday dannyyoung!

  2. Happy Birthday dannyyoung!

  3. Happy Birthday dannyyoung!

  4. Happy Birthday dannyyoung!

  5. Happy Birthday dannyyoung!

  6. organised getting the loom modified by the bloke as seen in the link above.. just need to send it off,, keep forgetting about it! all good though..
  7. hit up DW Customs mann.. www.dwcustoms.com they should be able to give you some info..
  8. excellent, that is exactly what I'm after.. cheers for that link!
  9. cheers for the replies! some good info coming through! Also, nice conversion mate! that looks spot on! I looked at doing the dash conversion also, butt I think from memory my courier was too narrow.. Came up trick in yours! From the ECU, with someone who knows what they're doing they should be able to disable all the Falcon ' in- cab ' gear, such as the headunit they run with the climate control etc? And modify the courier internal loom to run off the falcon computer instead? Cheers!
  10. cheers for all the input, much appreciated! I've fired off an email to FTG auto salvage, just to find out how they went about it and any details they can give me.. I'd like to go down this road if possible seeing as I've already got the ECU and looms.. And also, to run a flash tune would be great!
  11. updates are at minimum! haven't found much info on ECU's.. At the moment I think I'll go for an Aftermarket option as I reckon it would be a large eff around trying to get the BA ECU to run happily.. butt I would love it if anyone can give me a direction, or even which ECU brand/ model I should be looking at.. Cheers!
  12. my courier.. obviously just a mock up.. haa ..in progress.
  13. holy hell, just read through the whole thread and youu've definitly done the in's and out's of this one! doing an awesome job of getting everything organised to be a reliable motor! hope these valves turn up soon, so this can come together for some more updates! question though,, why didn't or did you? look into getting a built Atomic 998GT-A or GT-R motor as it would've been cheaper than buying a kit and building your motor up? I'm sure youu adressed this and there was a reason, butt I'd like to know as I'm currently trying to make the decision myself..
  14. Oh and ECU- planned to run the Falcon ECU piggypacking with the Courier computer so as to still run all the internal side of things from the courier aswell as the motor etc.. however may look into an aftermarket computer if the need arises..
  15. Thanks for the replies and info! Yeah I'll ask Atomic a few questions regarding motor side of things then.. The gearbox, T56, just turned up today so I haven't got anything sorted out on that front, I read that MalWood makes some top notch ones, so I'll look into that.. That's good that the 72lb's will work,, one less thing to have to change.. ha The tailshaft, I'll get one made once the gearbox and diff are in, nice strong one to suit the car.. Brakes, yeah at the moment they are just the standard BA XR6T ones with the rotors machined, I'll upgrade them later on no doubt.. What sort of fuel system am I looking at creating, how many fuel pumps? Cheers! pics; engine mounts/ front crossmember setup: gearbox crossmember: - this was done to suit th T5 initially.. will now be modified for the T56 engine mounted:
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