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    Perth WA
  1. Does anyone have approximate consumption figures for a stock Auto XR6T towing the limit of 1600kg (I.e. km per tank). I recently went on a trip up North (NW WA) and used the wifes Ford Escape (V6 Auto) to tow the boat (5.5m F/G weighing around 1500 kg all up). We were lucky if we got 230km from the tank (tank is 61L). This was driving relatively easy trying to keep around 100km/h and around 3000 revs. It sucked the fuel hard. I am considering adding a towpack to the XR6T but need to know how thirsty it is when towing. I have tried the search engine and although there are plenty of threads on towing and the towing rating of the vehicles I couldn't find anything on fuel consumption. Please let me know how your T performs.
  2. Not something that I would admit to
  3. sahilson

    Wa Owners!

    Didn't se the post until tonight. Count me in
  4. I recently had my 15,000 service done and mentioned to the Service Manager that I was unhappy with the exterior door pillars. By door pillars I mean the Black metal strip wrapped vertically around the door, adjacent to the window and the centre pillar. The trim doesn't seem to be stuck properly and if you give it a squeeze you can hear the trim separating from the adhesive on the inside of the trim. Has anyone had the same problem? The Service Manager said it was normal and occurred across the range of vehicles. I must admit that I didn't go around and test all the cars on the lot as I had been waiitng for 30 minutes for the service paperwork to be located or completed.
  5. Put me on the register Steve Hilson Blueprint idealms@iinet.net.au 0418 903 462
  6. I am really keen for a run however don't believe a cruise around the city is a good idea. Yes it would be great to see a stack of XR's cruising the burbs however it would be almost impossible to keep the all together with the changes in traffic lights. Rather than a show on mass it would turn out to be pockets of xr's. A rural/country flavour (ie Toodyay, York or around Mandurah) would keep the pack together, let the cars stretch their legs and maybe take the cars to places where a mass xr's are not a common sight. A mixture of straight and winding roads wold be a bit of fun. A solution maybe to meet central as you suggest then head East rather than North. Just a couple of thoughts
  7. It's been a while since I have looked at the website and was pleased to see another run being organised in WA. Managed to make it to the last run in Mandurah. At this stage it looks like a possible for me as I will need to check work commitments.
  8. Lately, almost every second T I have seen have had GT stripes added. I have been advised that they are now a dealer option. It is unfortunate that they have been added as an option as I feel they should be reserved for the GT and GT-P. Any thought?
  9. Sorry for the delay in the post. The dates for Spring in the Valley are 9 & 10 October 2004. So long as we avoid that weekend it should be fine. Looking forward to the details regarding the run.
  10. The only thing we will have to be wary of is Sring in the Valley - I presume everyone would not like to sit bumper to bumper @ 60 km/h through the main drag. I am not sure when it is on but will post once I have the details.
  11. After picking the car on the 28th April and four attempts to get the photos they finally arrived and unfortunately are the same quality as the others shown in this post. The first three attempts I used the SIDO number without success - the last time the VIN number and the photos arrived within 10 minutes. I wonder if this was the reason for the delay - maybe the VIN is issued automativally whilst someone has to manually retrieve the photos from the SIDO number.
  12. Davo, I think if the throttle control was not in the passengers seat it would not have made much difference. By the time I had a clear stretch of road the horses had bolted - not knowing the turnoff didn't help either. I was looking down the right when I now think I should have been looking down the left. All and all a great day - looking forward to the next one - hopefully it won't be me lost next time. I heard a little conspiracy theory with the respect of lack of different colour models at the run. Those drivers not wishing to stand out of the crowd purchase the duller colours to blend in and are less likely to form a convoy due to the introvert nature. Ooops - hope I don't start a war here, but if it gets more variety to the next run, I'll take it.
  13. Excuse the double post. The Nokia Bluetooth car kit plugs into the ICC with the XR's speakers used instead of an additional unit - this helps to avoid feedback issues with alot of kits.
  14. I have a Nokia 6600 and a genuine Nokia Bluetooth car kit and have no problems at all. The bluetooth kit was installed professionally and consists of the mobile (apparantley fits nicely behind the dash somewhere), a microphone (as per a normal kit) and a answer/divert/cancel button on the dash - no ugly aerial at the rear or front of the car. I have set the pairing automatically so as I jump in the car the connection is established automatically. Also invested in a magnetic clip to secure the mobile - figure it is legal to use a cradle system - this has the same result without the ugly cradle. I will post some pics if you are interested.
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