@PTR_NITRO_FG If that is the widest on these rims then so be it, just nice to know it for sure so I know what I can get As far as the harshness/tramlining I thought it may be the case but not ever having used such low profile before I wasn't sure if that was the cause! The speedo being out isn't a surprise and compared to my MC is not far out and I'm aware that they need to have them read over actual due to ADR's but figured if a slight change in profile would correct it without issue then why not @Nitrofgxr6t Yeah I realise that I shouldn't go dirt cheap on tyres as I ride a MC and know the need for decent rubber, plus I've tried going cheap on my old EL 5L and it wasn't worth it either in lost grip and lost km's and with a more powerful vehicle I want decent rubber. I'm not into drags or doing heaps of burnouts etc but also don't have an issue with giving it a squirt every so often and having it slide Saying that I do quite a lot of km's so want reasonable life as well as grip without costing an arm and a leg so don't expect miracles @masda74 Was it Malaga that you got your Invo's, roughly how many km's did they last and what was the $ if you don't mind? Also on a tangent WTF is up with this forum, I can't seem to get quotes to work, have trouble editing the posts and can't paste into a post either with the supplied buttons or using right click or ctrl-v