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About slide6T

  • Birthday August 14

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  1. Fk I need to get on here more often. It's a real sh*t the dates. I'm actually heading down that way same from the 23rd! Oh well :( Next time
  2. Happy Birthday slide6T!

  3. I have rego am keen for a lap some time
  4. Bit late to the party (don't get on here much) I still have my 6T. I need some tyres but would be interested in going for a lap. However I'm not interested in cruising with 'Just Cruising' and such like groups in Canberra. If I wanted to drive with a bunch of idiots with no skill I'd go to Sydney for the weekend...
  5. Happy Birthday slide6T!

  6. Happy Birthday slide6T!

  7. It's in Fyshwick but ABS did a good job at replacing a bunch of lines for another car I have a while back. Gave them the car kept to the quote and no bullsh*t in between. Unsure if they've changed at all.
  8. Am keen but can't get out in my own car. Falcons out of rego gemini blew a gearbox and I need to pay off some bills :( Might have to rep in non falcon powered other vehicle :(
  9. Bit of a pain but and probably can't but If I put down myself as a maybe can I pay on the day. I don't know what I'll be doing come end of July so I can't commit to anything until then. If this is a possibility put my down if not all good my come up with the camera and get some action shots
  10. All good fellas I filled the spot. If people are still keen maybe sort one out In October?
  11. Got some decent imagery there. I definitely like your comment there to. The HSV isn't owned by a Fella by the name of Steven is it?
  12. Anyone want to come on Saturday? Have a spare place . Text me 0401953049
  13. It all depends on how many people go and how long we make it. Usually I put together a half day which is usually 120$ per car. (Gets about half a dozen? with 12cars) 15min runs which is good fun. The one I've got going for my club is a full day and we've got 22 cars coming and cost $130 per car. I haven't the slightest Idea how many runs we will get and if they change the time on it. Most of them are generally instructed to which is awesome to. I've taken my Falcon on there a few times and had a ball as shown in this pic. After my car club ones done (still have one place if anyone's interested) I'll come on here a bit more and we can organise another one
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