hey guys of got a ba xr6 t 4 speed auto with 3k stall runnin 310rwkw I ran a 12.083 reaction time was a 0.830 60ft was 1.835 my mph was 115.81 had cheaps tyres on the car to 245 35 19s had wheel spin as well
hey guys I raced mine the other week ran a 12.8 at 173kph reaction time was 0.611 60ft was 1.919 power im runnin is 275kw the cars a ba built 4speed with 3grand stall
hey guys a month ago I took my ba xr6 turbo down the drags is this a normal time for a stock turbo 14.809sec at 152.77km reacton time was 0.347 and the week later I cheeked my plugs they were rooted