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Everything posted by tray_182005

  1. No worries . Looking good . Hope it go's well
  2. um wheel I sold my f6 rims today so going to syd this weekend to drop them off and take the ute to cv for a service . Going to Kingscliff on the 8 of march and will pick them up then.So im going to have some sick looking chasers on the ute
  3. Yer im getting the lip painted black .
  4. Tell me if im way off . The pro strenght give like 5 unit or something like that where the normal gives around 2 or 3. If u use 98 with there is no need for the pro stenght because it will not take the octane level over 100 . Is this right ????
  5. No point going to the police some kids went around egging cars n done my ute took the paint off in 3 places. Went to the police they said even if we find them u still have to fix it out of your own money
  6. tray_182005

    Fg Xr8

    Yer but its 1 of the best I have ever heard . Do u have any more clips
  7. I hope the bloke had a copy rigth on it .
  8. tray_182005

    Fg Xr8

    . If he want a sweet exhaust have a look at BJC he has a clip on the twin turbo 8 in xtreme ford
  9. What brands where they ? Do u have some kind of fact sheet on it . Would be good to see
  10. This is with the same rim but it is a gloss black mine is more of a flat
  11. Bort some 20 by 8.5 and 20 by 10 the other day just getting the lip painted the same colour as the rest pf the rim what do u think . Marcello MT01 What u do think
  12. Sweet mate . Any power levels in mind . Will be good to see 0 to 100. Nice work
  13. Yer I no . I was just giving a cheap option .
  14. I just put lowering blocks on the back of my last ute so it sat flat . I guess it would affect the handling .But it was not used on the track and I not a pro driver to notice the diff so it didint fase me Do u want the front lower to?. They cost $150 Trav
  15. Ba ha har.That would be great to see.So u dont need to worry u will smoke the wrx
  16. come on qik,brandonn,spiko and ever one else put some pics up
  17. I was going to say I was runnig 380 with standard clutch but that was a fpv. It should be right for a few passes.
  18. U will be rigth mate is the best. Where about r u going to race at ? any thing on the line?
  19. Cant wait to see u in the club
  20. That is good in hiensight . But what if this happened with the turner that is 20 min away and u had to go back n forth when the 1 who is an hour away has a better turner u only have to get the job done once . But with what ever way u go I hope it go's good for u mate even to better turner make mistakes
  21. I reckon if u break it this time u will have one more go for good measure .
  22. how has the car been going mate. Done any street racing
  23. Very nice . Cant wait for the next installment
  24. Yer black looks heaps better on that car imo any way
  25. How is it coming along ? Where about is the engine sitting at?
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