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Everything posted by daztbo

  1. Looks like your going 4 wheels driving haha needs some serous slamage unless u wonna be a *beep*
  2. f*ck the wogs lol go the skips
  3. Autos r quicker than manuals but manuals make more power and manuals r more fun lol
  4. daztbo

    Code P0238

    Have you had it re tuned with the new cooler on ? If not maybe it's over boosting with the bigger cooler
  5. Freaky you talk to much lol but your ute is gonna look sweet when you slam it but still gonna be slow hahahaha
  6. Lol hmm I'll stick to being an electiician then
  7. Full time or part time paulie?
  8. Hmm some serious motor I likey
  9. Not bad mate except my car was running like sh*t I fouled a plug changed it today so looks like it's all good now might run my car next week at ford nationals are you goin ?
  10. Why are all moderators so negative ?lol
  11. Lol I beat you snap dawgie dawg
  12. I live my life a quarter mile at a time Snap dawg
  13. Why don't ya just run it straight off the fuse box that wat I did
  14. here's mine so far sorry its a sh*t phone photo it needs a high mount though probably next thing I do lol
  15. My ba has a noisy" chat chat chat chat" noise on cold start but goes away I'm thinking it's a lifter ???
  16. Do we have enough people to fill the seats or we need a few more???
  17. Who's goin ford nationals on the 12th? lol I am might even run my car
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