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Everything posted by daztbo

  1. I can see lollies being used as *beep*'s here
  2. Who else is criusin up arthurs seat tonight ?
  3. Trust me I'm right ive had this argument many times before I also thought it was high output and I was proved wrong
  4. HO in the gt ho stands for handeling option not high output
  5. Lol staino your a goose do you get any work done during the day cos your constantly posting lol
  6. Yeah u can put the standard battery on the passenger side I just screwed the black box that the battery sits in down and put it back and made up a strap to hold it down
  7. I'm keen on a cruise if weather is good
  8. Yeah there a bit of a *beep* to do gotta work it around under the turbo and take off underneath turbo heat shield and lift the motor up enough to pull out the old mount
  9. When I did mine I just put non turbo ones in and just took the straps off my old ones and put them on the new non turbo ones been 2 years and never had a Problem
  10. Yeah try bursons or repco or ive got a second hand one in my garage that's in good condition I could sell ya?
  11. Yeah go a 4 inch intake off the turbo and you will get a slower dose and a 3 inch will give you a quicker more high pitched one
  12. Yes any exhaust or intercooler or intake upgrade will need a retune because your making it more efficient and will most likely over boost
  13. Yeah I bought it and used it for a boat anchor
  14. I just paid my deposit so I'm in
  15. Hey p I'm gonna pay tomorrow so I'm still in
  16. Sounds like your alternator is on it's way out mine did the same thing wire a Up a voltage gauge that will tell ya how low its dropping volts or take it to a auto electritian and they can test it
  17. I tried calling him then but he said he is driving so to call back later
  18. I think everyone is nuts if he wants to paint it black pink f*cking orange for f*cks sake it ain't gonna last long anyways lol
  19. Yeah they line up fine I have a gt bar on my T looks good
  20. Lol I'm with paulie I've had my heat shield off for 2 years now and been all sweet it looked turd anyways also I can get to my manifold bolts easier now but if your gonna paint it use VHT flame proof paint or the high temp stuff it works well
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