Yeah u can put the standard battery on the passenger side I just screwed the black box that the battery sits in down and put it back and made up a strap to hold it down
Yeah there a bit of a *beep* to do gotta work it around under the turbo and take off underneath turbo heat shield and lift the motor up enough to pull out the old mount
When I did mine I just put non turbo ones in and just took the straps off my old ones and put them on the new non turbo ones been 2 years and never had a Problem
Sounds like your alternator is on it's way out mine did the same thing wire a Up a voltage gauge that will tell ya how low its dropping volts or take it to a auto electritian and they can test it
Lol I'm with paulie I've had my heat shield off for 2 years now and been all sweet it looked turd anyways also I can get to my manifold bolts easier now but if your gonna paint it use VHT flame proof paint or the high temp stuff it works well