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About Rhino1980

  • Birthday 03/08/1980

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  • Location
    E. Maitland
  • Interests
    Reef Tanks, Drag Racing, Amateur Astronomy
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  1. Happy Birthday Rhino1980!

  2. Tomorrow night at 6pm there will heaps of cars at the Bakers Cottage East Maitland apparently. Im going to take my car, hope to see some of you there.
  3. Thanks, after a bit of research on AN fittings, it looks like a AN to Not fitting might be the go and just tap the rocker cover
  4. Thanks for that. I will prob weld one on.
  5. Hi, I want to change the rubber elbow and plastic barb breather fitting (the one one halfway. Up the rocker. Cover on the passenger side) to an AN fitting. What size do I need? Do I tap the rocker cover? Anyone done this? Thanks in advance for any help
  6. Happy Birthday Rhino1980!

  7. Also the fitment chart is different for the different SSR rims I have noticed because I was looking at SP1's.
  8. @IH8TOADS sorry for the late reply mate, the caliper clearance for the caliper to the spokes is about 28mm. The clearance from the caliper bracket to the spokes is about 22mm. From the caliper out to the rim there is heaps. Yep they are So disks front and rear and have a huge dish
  9. I had a strange noise from the front when I bolted the SSR's on. f*ck me I checked the strut tower bolts, changed the pads, greased the caliper slides. It was still there. Driving me nuts. Turned out that that the hub rings which worm had made up for the bf were just, and I mean.04mm too ugh, stopping the wheels from bolting snugly to the hub. Machined them down and presto, noise gone. Something so simple.
  10. Hi mate I'll measure the clearance tomorrow for you. There's not clearance between the wheel centres and calliper but plenty between the rim and the caliper. No way Brembos would fit with them because the centres are 'super low' disks. There's about 4 different disk types.
  11. Worm's old SSR's on my FG. 19x9.5 +18 and 19x10 +24
  12. Thanks, yeah it turned out a cracker!
  13. Here's some photos from my niece's wedding on Saturday. Thanks to my good friend Troy (FAT51X) from this forum for helping out! If you have any more Troy, post them up!
  14. Cheers boys. Was just interested. Wonder if Simon knows his gear has been cloned...
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