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    Cars, rallying (competitor), motorsport, boating, travelling, fishing, diving, the beach, the outback, music - oh hell, the list is too long!
  1. Almost trial and error, everything appeared to work, the turbo spun and after taking off everything from the intercooler to the exhaust tip and finding no leaks or obstructions, in desperation the turbo was sent away to be checked and measured. Nobody I contacted or that works on these has ever come across this before, hence a lot of time wasted chasing the fault. Yes I could have reco'd the old one, but the cost and effort was just not worth my time after not having the car on the road for many weeks. Besides, I could never trust the old unit again as there is still no explanation as to how this can happen.
  2. Mine packed it in after 40,000 highway K's for no reaason anyone can explain as the car is not modified and serviced regularly. I know this is very low K's and hopefully unusual but it did happen, so I agree "How long is a piece of string?"
  3. Just letting everyone know this had nothing to do with the wastegate at all. The Inside of the exhaust impeller was worn (don't ask me how). If the outside of the impeller wears out you lose some boost, if the inside wears you get none at all. A new Turbo has fixed the problem.
  4. Thanks, I will try that and see what happens.
  5. Hi all, I am new to this site and have been finding the reading interesting. My car is an original BA Turbu Ute with only 44,000 Ks on the clock. It is registering an error code P1227 - wategate open. Has anyone else had this problem and any clues as to how it can be fixed? The acuator (and just about anything else that controls the wastegate) has been replaced, the computer was replaced recently and the code cleared but comes back again. The turbo has been pulled out and does not appear damaged at all, there are no leaks in the intercooler or any of the pipes. Trying to get any help by ringing around has been fruitless, nobody seems to have any ideas except "you have modified the car" - not true. The dealer had no idea and said they needed the car for about 2 days at my expense to "perhaps" find the cause. If anyone else has had similar problems or knows of a solution, please help. At the moment my 1600cc Rally car leaves it for dead. Thanks Rolo
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