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ScatterBrain last won the day on May 24 2017

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70 Excellent

About ScatterBrain

  • Birthday 14/12/1988

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    Just about everything mechanical.

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  1. Basically for better efficiency. Yeah sure a gtx3582 can make 630hp @ 22psi but not as safely as the sx369. If you glace at the post above you'll see the AFR is around 11.6, If I was the lean it out to around the 12.4 which is about the average for a lot of tunes, it would make a reasonable bit more power. But as my car is setup for circuit racing and I have longevity in mind, I have opted to keep everything on the safe side, Timing included. On top of that not having a water cooled core means less heat it to the cooling system.
  2. The rear housing is a modified .82 internally gated efr9180 housing, with the 80mm turbine wheel it flows just a bit more then the stock 1.06. By my calculations the choke threshold would be around 700 to 720 rwhp. Boost curve for second last dyno pull, Gtx3582r (Green) vs s369 (Red)
  3. Finally finished the last of the oil cooler ducting, Hopefully no more overheating on the race track.
  4. Yeah I saw the release photos from Sema, although I'm not sure if they even have a release date for them yet. But of the two, the 91x81 would be my pick.
  5. Granted the EFR has a ball bearing core, but the compressor efficiency drops off too soon. Attached are the compressor charts of both turbos with a plot for approximately 700 crank hp at 23psi. Plot point 1 = 2000rpm, 2 = 3000rpm, 3 = 4000rpm, 4 = 5000rpm, 5 = 6000rpm 6 = 6500rpm.
  6. I would recommend the Borg Warner S369sx-E over the efr 9180, Its better suited to our engine requirements. Also can be low mounted on standard Fg manifold.
  7. Heat is always the killer, Did you happen to log you peak temps? Have you revised your cooling or are you hoping for cooler weather?
  8. Happy Birthday ScatterBrain!

  9. Happy Birthday ScatterBrain!

  10. He crashed on the exit of the Eastern loop and I was about 2 meters behind him when it happened.
  11. Well just wrapped up the last track day for me this year, That brings this years total to 26 sprint meetings and thankfully no major failures or damage. But it's a shame that can't be said about the poor chap who wrote off his 180sx at Lakeside today.
  12. Gave the rims a wash today ready for x-raying, Found another with hairline cracks in the back of 2 spokes. Also here a video of my fastest lap on broken rims. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Pn_BYmEk0s&feature=youtu.be
  13. Nothing out of the ordinary happen to the rim, never hit a curb or anything. I'm getting the other 3 x-rayed for cracks on Monday, Should be interesting to see the findings. I doubt it was downforce related, The splitter at best would generate about 80kg @ 200kph. The rear wing I think would around 200kg @ 200kph. I've been looking at new wheels and there are so any options, I sort of leaning towards some Enkei NT03+M or T6S. I would love a set Of Volk ZE40 but $800 a rim is a bit much.
  14. They are Koya Drift Tek's so they should have been up to the task, I've sent an email off to koya just to get their opinion on the matter.
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