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  1. Yeh I know I live here ( Willowbank actually )but ya just gotta love the quality home made mods coming coming out of here! MDF Spoiler
  2. Jeebus I need to become more wordly! Your right Senna, after viewing those following pictures from freeze its whoever has the longest pipes or even make them into some sort of pleasing configuration. Maybe this might catch on here in Australia?
  3. has not set their status

  4. Saw this in Ipswich Qld the other day and had to take a snap. I nearly weed myself in public. What do you guys think! Give us your best caption.
  5. Hi I am planning on making my own line from block to turbo with inline filter with pictures for all to see but need thread sizes on either end can someone help with this? Thanks.Need Turbo end and Block end obviously. Ta.
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