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  1. I've got an old touch dual that is just about due for renewal. I'm a bit of a fan of the phone, its looking a bit dated now but usable wise its great. The ease with which Winmo syncs with Outlook is brilliant, and not just email but contacts and calendar also. I hate to admit how much I have come to rely on this phone. The no names on the ICC is going to annoy me. I dont recognise people's numbers.
  2. To give everybody an indication of my delivery time, I just got the call to say that it was going to arrive at the dealer tomorrow, so I could probably pick up early next week. Not a bad turn around, ordered on 8 August, will probably get it around the 14th (so long as there is no stuff ups between the dealer and the finance company).
  3. Cam860 I've not actually got my G6ET yet, but have been wondering if I'll have problems with my HTC phone similar to what others have reported. What HTC phone do you currently have? Does it show names on the screen? Thanks
  4. I asked these guys to tender (they do not quote as they are not a broker or dealer) on a G6ET around the beginning of June. The price they came back with was about $7k on road more than I ended up negotiating for myself in August. It was June when silly things were happening, so I'll give them a little slack, but I personally found them pretty painful to deal with. I get the impression that they might be more useful when dealing with high volume /lower price vehicles, as they then stick your one order in with an order of a thousand corollas.
  5. Thanks ZAP. Just got the SIDO number with remarkably little trouble.
  6. I'd taken so long to find the car that I wanted that another 6 weeks wasn't going to make much difference. This way I don't need to make any compromises and can get it exactly the way I want it. Besides, I don't think there was actually a new one in local dealerships. The only problem is that I now find myself day dreaming at the brochure and photos and am really wanting it. I've reconciled myself by making a list of possible destinations for the first day drive. Bunna, if you could look after mine it would be much appreciated.
  7. Andrew I ordered a G6ET last weekend (08/08/09). Got a call on Tuesday to say that I was lucky that they were able to prioritise my build and that it would therefore go into production at the end of August, with a delivery date half way through September or the third week of September. So that is looking around 6 weeks.
  8. Thanks guys, I was also looking at new because of the allowance, but can wait until next year to get it. I just don't feel like getting done over for the privilege.
  9. Gents I'm currently looking for a G6ET myself. I've tried a couple of dealers and they all tell me that there are no new cars currently sitting at any of the dealers in Perth. If I want a new one it will have to be a July /August build with delivery at the end of August. This doesnt fuss me to much, at least this way it forces me to pick the colours that I want, rather than just take what is available, which I know I would do as I'm not really that patient. The best on road price that I have so far been able to achieve is $60,490. This includes 19" rims ($2,181.81), 12 months rego ($603.60) and stamp duty ($3,736.85). Given some of the prices quoted here, this seems a little steep. Do you think there is any further room to talk him down before I start calling him a liar. I should mention there appears to be a 2% price rise in July, good one Ford.
  10. Gents I've taken a lot from this forum, so I thought I would contribute with something I know a little about. Tuesday's Federal budget contained a change in the investment allowance such that small business entities (ie your turnover is less than $2mil) will be able to claim an increased investment allowance of 50% (instead of the previously announced 30%) of the cost of eligible assets acquired between 13 December 2008 and 31 December 2009, and installed by 31 December 2010. All of the caveats discussed previously in this thread still apply (ie you need to be carrying on a business and hp rather than lease).
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