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About gogo

  • Birthday 27/05/1971

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    Member of team Kittens

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  1. Happy Birthday gogo!

  2. Happy Birthday gogo!

  3. Happy Birthday gogo!

  4. Happy Birthday gogo!

  5. What items make up the intank fuel surge system

  6. gogo

    Big Vic Weekend 3

    Guess I will see you princesses along with the semi clad princesses on Thursday... Anyone want a lift from the Penisular?
  7. gogo

    Big Vic Weekend 3

    bump! did someone say pi$$ up? best I come along - just to make sure you lot behave you understand! sorry... (just getting in early!)
  8. gogo


    Hi Shaz!!!! Unfortunately nothing earth shattering (well mybe that is a good thing! ). I resigned from my old work in October, and started work for Melbourne Water in December. I had a significant number of projects to hand over before leaving, some of which had years of history, so it was a huge task that I did not actually finish properly until probably mid Feb. As a consquence I was just working huge hours, and then when I started at Melbourne Water , going to my old work after hours to help finish things. I basically just eliminated a whole lot of stuff that I liked to try and deal with all that crap. This made for a VERY boring benny for a couple of months. Since then I have been busy trying to just focus in on the new job, as well as get some house plans finalised, and get some normalicy back into my life! and now finally I can start to get really excited about the T again! woot woot! cheers, Ben.
  9. gogo


    Hi Marcus! just tell me when - you know how I HATE to have a drink...
  10. gogo


    Hey guys - see above!
  11. gogo


    hi mate! Car is not going at the moment - the engine is currently out of the car and is on the engine dyno at Nizpro. Following the run to the snowies - Simon was not quite 100% happy with the engine, so rather that run the risk the boys pulled her out and stripped it back down. That happened last last year. Everything was checked and retested (remembering my engine was the first engine to be build to a whole new set of specs) before being put back together. This has been a very slow process as the boys have been busy and I have not needed the car and have also busy (more on that later) but have wanted to be involved. The engine dyno will be the perfect spot for the final development of the Stage IV, as we can far more easily test a lot of things, and isolate changes so the impacts of a single thing can be meassured. We can far more readily collect a lot more data as well so lots of things are goingto be assessed to make sure the kit is the best it can be. At this stage it is expected the testing will cover a number of stages - Inital stage will be: - more than 1 manifold design - several different turbo chargers mostly smaller than Bcl's, but bigger than stock These will be done using the best possible exhaust arrangement and the water cooled intercooler. Once a preferred turbo/manifold arrangement has been finalised, the in car intercooler and plumbing will be introduced. Tests will be completed on the standard Nipzpor stage II arrangement as well as a new 'high capacity/power' arrangement that has been developed. Placement of temperature and pressure logging points around the system will enable the losses and performance to be carefully monitored. Once that has been done, then we may even play with exhausts to soo what impact this has on the performance. Then it all gets re-installed back into the car - and away we go. The way things are looking, I would expect the engine is likely to still be on the engine dyno for the dyno day. If it is it may be possible to do a demo run dependant on where we are at. I am getting on top of a few things now, as have the boys at Nizpro, so hopefully things will start moving forward again fairly rapidly! cheers, Ben.
  12. gogo


    And another thanks you!
  13. gogo


    Thanks Guys and Gal!
  14. gogo


    Hi to all! when I made the decision to spend a tad less time on-line late last year do in part to a bunch of other changes in my life, I can honestly say I did not expect that it would take me this long to extract the digits and get back on to say hi! I see I have missed out on some great cruises and I am sure lots of other exciting happenings! Hope everyone here is well! Come say g'day! Cheers, Ben.
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