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  1. well by rights yes they should. Just call them and ask, just say to them that you are looking at driving the car and ask them that even though they have insured you, will you be covered in the case of an accident. But the best thing is to just lay low and dont drive it, untill your on your fulls. BTW how much are you paying for the year.
  2. no you cannot. If you are not legally allowed to drive that car, then you cannot make a claim with you as the driver. Maybe if your lucky, you can Get the other driver to say your dad/mum was driving. But there is a slight chance of that happening. Btw how did you get insured to drive the car if your on p plates? Unless you lied on your insurance papers? The insurance compay will void your insurance if you have a prang with little to no tread on any one tyre. Or if any other part on the car is unroadworthy or if they can find an excuse to void it. Any thing for money I guess.
  3. talking about bumping the speed down, I did exactly that. I was caught for doing 99 in a 60 zone (no excuse, but I was late for tafe). was very polite to the officer. took it on the chin and I was looking at 6 months. 3 for points (it was double demerits) and 3 for going more than 30 over. Long story short, I got a lawyer, the lawyer called the officer had a nice long chat to him about motorbikes and the like, and was able to reduce my sentence to under 30 which meant 6 points and I got to keep my license. But I had to go to court for this, plead guilty to the lower sentence and I also got my fine reduced from 240 to 150. All becuase I was nice and calm and polite. So this was a case of the police officer using his discression, and thinking have I learnt a lesson and am I truly sorry for what I have done. This is legal and I guess it all depends on your prior convictions also.
  4. Look, to give my opinion. The speed limits are there, stick to them or get busted. Its your choice. d rangd, if you think that having a bit of fun in a back street is safe, then you are wrong. Mate if you want to have fun like that, then go to the track and take it up there. Only for the sake of your life, becuase honestly, any kind of collision over 50km/h on impact, can severely do spinal damage and even cause death. Just because theres no other people or cars around, doesn't mean its safe to be a dickhead. Sorry if I sound a bit harsh, but Ive had my share of incidents with people like this. Also craginmackay, it was very nice of you to go through my whole post, break it up and point out all the parts you thought were wrong, honestly. But mate give it up, the road rules are there, and personaly I agree that if the limits were raised, then the fatalities due to fatigue would drop, but the fatalaties occuring due to speed, would increase. Only for the fact that our roads are not set up for such a speed. So either way, we lose. And you know what mate, they do save lives. Because you think, the stopping distance is greatly increased when the speed increases, thus making it harder to miss pedestrians, other motorists, animals, and other hazards. Every one is entitled to their opinion, and this is just mine. My opinion is that speed limits do save lives and yes I would like the speed limit raised on highway/country roads, but who the hell sticks to the current speed limit, and if it was raised then no one would stick to that either.
  5. You know what, all this talk about rasing the speed and and other crap, is bullsh*t. If you want to drive fast like they do in germany, then go to germany. Unfortunately, in Australia, we have speed limits, and they have to be obeyed. Because believe it or not, speed does kill, and anyone telling me it doesn't, or even if its not the most common factor of fatal crashes, are smoking some kind of f*cking dope. It enrages me to hear people whinging about the speed limits and getting caught for exceeding them. I have lost my licence once, and been booked for speeding three other times, two times were in excess of 30 km/h. Both times I was lucky to not lose my license, because I did what you are thinking of, and that was to go to court and slow the process down in order to save my license for 3 months. So yes I have sped, and I still do go over the limit by a few km's here and there, but if I get caught I know its my own fault. I hope that people in general will start to learn that theres no need to go over the speed limit, because on a general driving trip, you may save 5 minutes. And if you want to whinge about the rules and regulations set out in Australia at the present time, then tell someone who can actually do something about it. Becuase they are set out to save lives, and believe it or not, they do. Also by the way, the speed applies from that sign, not before, and yes I do the same thing, I speed up before the sign, it is stupid it makes no difference, but if they were to put the sign 50 metres earlier, then you will actually still speed up before the sign. Its not there to try to do that speed when you pass it. You stuffed up, you made a mistake and I know you will do it again. But take this one on the chin, lose your license for a few months and get it over, becuase when you get your license back, you will get the points lost back also. My rant.. Chris oh yeah and keep it on the track
  6. all levels are fine. I have been told by my mechanic that it was oil, and the sixth cylinder would be filling up with more than normal amound while on the slant. then the revs just clear it, Because the cars arent made to idle on such an angle for long. thanks.
  7. personally I think that if you want a sound, the best thing that I have done is a 2.5 inch cat back mild steel system. Doesn't really matter if its press bent or mandrel bent, but if its power your after then mandrel bent is what you need. about your power mods, the first thing I would do, if you have the money to spare, is get a full system, inc. performance headers dump pipe hi flow cat then the system from the cat back. My system has a hi flow cat to a resonator to a 2.5 pipe to a muffler then another resonator and then the tip. It actually has the v8 rumble that most people are after. Although its still not a v8 I still have the stock headers and dump pipe, I got a press bent mild steel system. I have lost a little power but I also have lpg installed so I lose a bit there too. The aftermarket head unit, just keep the icc in place and connect one where the tissue box holder is, dont bother with a holder, just screw it in through the side, if it is cut and connected properly it will be perfect and you can hook an amp and there are more opportunities with an after marked head unit. Check out the audi9o section, it has heaps of ideas in it. the tuner will get you more power, im not sure too much as I havn't opted this way, but generally speaking, if you want a lot of power from an n/a, you need to spend a few thousand. The N/a's have plenty of power as is, but they could do with more. Any more questions just P.M me and I may be able to help with the rims, any will do aslong as they fit, but if your on a budget you can get your standard springs compressed by specialty companies to a height that your after. I have heard that this way works out cheaper.
  8. ive been told it could be my oil pickup, how could I check the pickup, is it a matter of actually taking the sump out? again it only does it on a hill so I guess that it may be bent and when the oil is at the back of the sump it just doest pick up.?? please help
  9. ok so can someone point me to a reputable dealer or mechanic in western sydney.
  10. is there any mechanics around sydney that have one of the code readers. Just to check if I have any. And refering to warranty, I threw mine out thew window when I found out I had to have it serviced by the selling dealership every 10000 kms or 6 months, whichever comes first. Thank god I didn't pay any extra for it.
  11. Im just wondering on people's opinions. Do you get your car serviced from Ford themselves, or from a trusted mechanic. My car is a 05 BA MK II N/a with a lpg conversion aboout 10k ago. I would rather get it serviced from my lpg mechanic but im worried that Ford actually do a better job, or not. Its coming up for its 90k service and I just want ideas. Thanks guys.
  12. from what I can understand, its actually water. because it doesn't smell like fuel, oil, or coolant. the exhaust tip has a few drops from it, on what would be a hot day. but where could the water be coming from? any ideas
  13. again, it only does it up hill, but are the valve stem seals hard to fix and expensive, and what do they do exactly?
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