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About shakeranyday

  • Birthday 21/03/1992

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  1. Happy Birthday shakeranyday!

  2. Happy Birthday shakeranyday!

  3. Happy Birthday shakeranyday!

  4. Happy Birthday shakeranyday!

  5. Thankyou, awesom mod. Do you have an AZTronics nearby??? If so I bought smd 1206 blue leds pack of 10 for $3.90 or something like that. Y1085 is the product code, there not exact match blue but very very close (slightly less purple than dash), and the smd resistors were 95c for 10. The Aztronics I went to is in Enfield SA on main north rd, I went to jaycar prior to Aztronics and they had never herd of or stocked a smd led??? LOL Had a great time soldering the leds but all work perfectly Cheers all
  6. Hi I got an 07 bf2 an it just started the same creak but only when I hit bumps??? got me stuffed.
  7. Mmm wish I could stop it from automatically turning on with the car, anyone got a fix to stop it
  8. I also have a 6spd manual bf which had the same clunk, took it to ford and they replaced what they called a "Ball Joint" in the rear end, but still the clunking continued. This clunk wasnt just occuring when changing gears but when going over bumps, and in the wet if I got it spinning it sounded like the rear right wheel was repeatedly bouncing off the ground... TERRIBLE SOUND. Anyway this weekend I noticed that under hard acceleration the car would pull excessively to the side making it a bit of a handful, so I decided to jack it up and take a look myself. when I took the rear right wheel off I grabbed the rotor and could move it forward and backward with little effort, knocking as I done it . What the cause of this all was one of the bolts which obviously holds part of the IRS assembly was LOOSE so I tightened it up and the clunk has now dissapeared haha. how the hell did ford miss this??? Anyways all fix now As for the 1st to 2nd change it is a little notchy sometimes when cold, but if changed at the right rev it just falls into place. Iv found the box is fairly particular with revs but tends to ease up once it gets some heat into it, Dead strong box though
  9. to true haha, I recently bought a bf mk2 xr6 and the bloke who had it before bought Ultra Ride "low" springs (same height as standard xr6 spec) then cut them. Lol he mustnt have lrealised it was going to be the same height. since then I put the factory springs back in
  10. Ah I think I see the problem, NA has intake runner- Turbo doesnt.. if the intake runner is vacum controlled and your pushing boost into intake (Adding turbo) there is no vacum for the runner to operate, therefore possibly starving engine of oxygen??? Just a theory I had, possibly incorrect but would explain power loss..? Not sure but intake runner is set to change over at 3800rpm or abouts. Well prob not useful info as you have already fixed problem lol
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