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  1. Hi all, I was wondering if anybody has the BA-BF MK 2 service manual? I just purchased it online of a website and it was like $60..... I want to make sure ive done my Transfluid correctly + service the diff.... It looks like im not going to get the manual till the end of next week.. I am wanting to do it on the weekend because I have the time off this weekend.... Does anyone have an electrnic version? if so could they email it to me? email: jayjayselmes@gmail.com Id prefer my hard copy but still has to be shipped... I think it was $68 with postage.... bit steep I think!!!
  2. there is certainly no chattering noises that's for sure and the gear changes are smooth... the only issue I have is the occasional clunk when going in reverse or sometimes out of first gear if the revs are low..... is this normal?? if not I might need to get the diff checked!!!! sometimes is liked something in the boot has gone clunk.... intresting
  3. ok guys here we go...... I made a video of my mates run at WSID This is my mates xr6 Turbo 2006 Falcon Auto....... $2800 in mods .... = 12 second car!!!! 346 RWKW I also have a stock 2005 BA 6 Speed manual that I might run stock at WSID sometime soon
  4. Hi Christiaan, Agreed mate... I looked high and low and couldnt find it anywhere??? any hints on where to get it? I will throw in the Transmax Z next time.... im a little worried about the Fluid change even though the Transmission took almost 4 litres I read at the start of this post that the transmission has to be filled from the sensor plug???? Anyone know where that is ? I filled it from the fill plug until it dripped out...... took almost on the dot of 4 litres..... jase
  5. well I drained it regardless of what the sticker said with castrol Dexron 3 fluid 6 speed manual 2005 Ba Falcon Turbo the car took about 4 litres until it started to drip out the fill plug... a 20 minutes job at best
  6. Hi guys Is there a how to thread on the replacelement of oil for a 6 speed 2005 trubo? Have all the ooil just need to know where the fil/drain is??? Ta Jason
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