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Everything posted by FOONIN

  1. each to there own I guess I think ford got it right when they designed both, espeically the front bar and dark agents..... I dont like the side skirts on an f6 though or rear bumper....
  2. each to there own I guess I think ford got it right when they designed both, espeically the front bar and dark agents..... I dont like the side skirts on an f6 though or rear bumper....
  3. same goes for dark agents....if phoons had a different wheels id still buy the dark agents because they look awesome on it...ford just got it right with the front bar and wheels.....
  4. well funny enough this topic is about the front bar... plus it doesnt matter because when it comes time to count if you are faking it then you gunna look like but if you have a modded engine it makes sense...more air flow for cooler plus they look awesome
  5. you have seen an xr right? looks like a typhoon with a xr front bumper.... just like a typhoon looks like an xr but with a typhoon bumper phoon bumpers are awesome looking and look like they have more air flow to keep the cooler nice and cool...I personally think the rear bumpers on phoons are ugly
  6. I feel for you Aussies, you guys have it tough!.....the only defect we get is when a cop jumps the gun when dragging ya


    damn that looks nice, all it needs is some dark agents
  8. that keep the original fog lights or do you need phoon ones??? Is it hard to source all the parts for a typhoon front
  9. question.....isnt that pod filter going to suck in all that nice hot air?
  10. it was a ex lease car....Im thinking going for a MK II with lower km's to be on safer side
  11. Do I really need a BOV??? oooo I love starting this big debate
  12. fibreglass bonnets any good??? I never really dealt with body work before but presume it would be lighter and weaker?
  13. or do the territory bonnets fit falcons?
  14. anybody interested in writing up a bonnet scoop topic? I see there is one for vents but not scoops like the one in the pic...im keen to put one in but wouldnt know where to go after buying a bonnet + scoop jmef6 hope you dont mind me using this pic the car is %^&%^%$^% awesome looking.
  15. so all mk2 should have the typhoon bits
  16. oh awesome 06 is the MK2 version correct?
  17. Is it only the 07/08 model of the BF MK II turbo that has the typhoon bottom end????? So many 06 MK II models for sale and hardly any 07/08.
  18. blah all Expensive Daewoo did was buy christmas lights and superglue them on
  19. FOONIN


    seduce purple isnt very purple....
  20. freeze, that your coffee table?! hehe
  21. no no no no I mean I need to win lotto to take home that brand new F6 :D
  22. If I was you id look at valve springs and transmission.....orrrrrr buy an 07 BF MK II turbo...better build and typhoon bottom end :D
  23. stever your gf likes anything lets not debate the dose and what stevers gf likes here....although I do like the turbo spinning backwards one The only thing dose does is create turbo lag by the turbo slowing down and creating a bubble of pressure elsewhere blah blah blah blah buy a vl if you have no balls and dont like getting laid blah blah blah yes there is a BOV which has a flutter to it....get your BOV and get one of those wind turbine things kids have put it infront of the BOV and away you go............damnit cant think of anything else to write and im bored like rusty at work and dont start getting paid for another half hour...crappers
  24. good idea....also need a final answer to lifes most debated question...no not what is the meaning of life..but...is dose really actually bad for a turbo or not.... PLEASE DONT DEBATE THIS HERE, IM ONLY SAYING IT AS A QUESTION WHICH NEEDS TO BE ANSWERED (NOT HERE)
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