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  1. baf6

    Powercruise 2011

    I'll be there, but in my xr, just tuned yesterday.
  2. Hi guys, I have just bought an (BA mkii) xr6t for the missus, wanting to put my old (BA mki) F6 cooler in it, but I seem to have missed placed the left hand side bracket and its differant to the xr one what is the differance in the mounting brackets? is it a mk1 and mk11 differance or xr6t and F6. If any one has one sitting in there shed they want to get rid of let me know
  3. baf6

    Mt Glorious Cruise

    not sure if I'll get a chance to come or not, got a busy weekend can u send me the details anyway. If I do come I'll have the missus in the black xr6t I bought her yesterday, plus my f6
  4. you have to pay the full amount weather you go 1 or all 4 days, was 130 plus 50 if you camp but now 180 plus 50 to camp. but if you include all costs gets pretty expensive if you burn tires in drift and like to burn through the fuel like me lol
  5. just paid today, last day to get entry cheap
  6. sorry again bout that. had an awesome arvo, great cruise
  7. baf6

    New Wheels?

    sh*t pic off my phone looks better in person
  8. baf6

    New Wheels?

    got them on, got the 275's on hit guards to start with so we rolled, and used a bit of hammer now I could fit 305's easy, think the hammering pumped the guard out a bit
  9. think its def. gonna be an afternoon think you missed the "good" part lol I'll be there, wont stay for dinner as we have a bbq to go to, but probly stay for a beer
  10. my car was over boosting over 20 psi when I pulled out a collapsed cat. was tuned to 14psi with the cat in.
  11. omg!! who needs horse power when you have stopping power I thought it was illegal to go 2" over rolling diameter not rim? could be wrong
  12. baf6

    New Wheels?

    yea gotta love the sparks (poor muffler). with that and the flames out my exhuast can make quite a light show out the back lol
  13. baf6

    New Wheels?

    yea my utes as low as I will ever want it (scrapes the road now) how will I go with kuhmo 275 on the 20x10's 38 offset? will they fit? guy at the shop says they'll be too tight a fit. even with gaurds rolled
  14. baf6

    New Wheels?

    pretty sure im just gonna go with these 20x10 rear 20x8.5 front
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