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About jorgo

  • Birthday 28/06/1983

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  1. Happy Birthday jorgo!

  2. Happy Birthday jorgo!

  3. Happy Birthday jorgo!

  4. Happy Birthday jorgo!

  5. Happy Birthday jorgo!

  6. jorgo

    Central Qld

    The drags are cancelled at benaraby this weekend :(
  7. jorgo

    Central Qld

    I'm up for a cruise some time. Any suggestions for dates so far?
  8. jorgo

    Central Qld

    How was the track? nice and grippy? Did they have a fair bit of rubber down on lane 1? they only re did it a couple of weeks ago.
  9. jorgo

    Central Qld

    Yeah I hope to be going, not sure how hard I'll push it though. I probably won't quite have my new clutch in :(
  10. jorgo

    Central Qld

    Thursday the 22nd July and Sat 24th July... according to the Schedule I got late last year.
  11. jorgo

    Central Qld

    I have it on fairly good authority that the car was wheeled off the dyno with a conrod hanging out eh side of the block... and it definitely isn't just a rumor.
  12. jorgo

    Central Qld

    Has anyone else decided if they are coming to the all ford day? I'll bring my turbo if there's going to be a few others.
  13. jorgo

    Central Qld

    Anyone else heading down ont he 26th? Hopefully it won't be rained out this time.
  14. jorgo

    Central Qld

    Yep I shoudl eb right to go (moeny depending).
  15. jorgo

    Central Qld

    There should be a whole heap of the GT club heading out from Gladstone (ther usually is) tag along with them. We'll probably be heading out with them too, we will be hooking up with them just outside of Rocky.
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