Hi to all. Just want to say awsome forum with allot of info. I purchased a 2009 Teritory ST ( Sport Tuned by Ford) about two weeks ago. Known as a Turbo Ghia by you guys. First did a complete 76mm exhaust with cat removal. I then installed my tuned file using Dreamscience DFS 3000 ( same as C.A.P.A tune). My car is back at Ford, drove it for 1 week. It developed a bad misfire, so they replaced the plugs. The two rear plugs were completely shot as there was no porcelain around the electrodes on the inside and the one point was melted. They do not know if it was bad plugs or what caused it. Any info about this will help. Anyway with new plugs in it still has misfire under load. They are looking at fitting new coil packs. Could the coil packs be at fault for fouling the plugs so bad. Don't know why but first thing they asked me if the car was on a Dyno. Any info will help. I also read about the second induction you guys do on the TTG but cannot seem to find any pics, if any body can maybe point me in the right direction. Any info on modding this vehicle would be appreciated as no one in South Africa has allot of knowledge about this vehicle. If I receive my car back want to fit boost, oil pressure and oil temp gauges. Will still have to find out where to connect the sensors. Anyway a good day to all.