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Everything posted by KeddyXR6T

  1. Hey People Auto One (VIC) do them for $16.80 a plug dont pay $22 which most place's are asking
  2. that's what I was thinking I have a feeling ill replace the module and still have the issue and no doubt they will say cause they haven't fitted it
  3. Warping a cast manifold...... Really ? no fatigue cracks from the around either of the flange's ??? Can you see the deformation by eye ?
  4. Lmao even in real life it seems to be photoshopped
  5. True story I seen it on mahoneys rd two secs ago lmfao
  6. Just yelled out to my apprentice he came over and I asked him if he's been doing work on the side then showed that ^^
  7. The search function works great I looked up how to change my diff bushes and got at least 1000 hits back I've seen a SNORT intake on a b-series that was pretty much identical to stock apart from it was stainless and polished
  8. don't know TBH, Fraud returned the car and who ever I spoke to at the workshop said that there next move would be to replace the module cause everything eles seems fine and then charged me $110 for the 30 mins it was there Cnts
  9. abs and traction stopped working tried to fault code it with two different diag tools and wouldn't work pulled out the workshop manual and if it's not that C150 circuit it would be the module as far as I can understand ??
  10. So abs/tcs isn't responding and I need to know where ill find the ABS/TCS C150 CIRCUIT 70 (SB-W) is before I go replacing the ABS module anyone know this issue any insight would be appreciated And on a separate note WTF is with the BA Loom Being wrapped around (ran through) the Inlet manifold love to know fraud's thinking behind that one
  11. Killed 4 BTR's rebuilt by two different reputable shops, 3 of em snapped the rear planetary and the other was C1 failure, I do love my power skating and as allot of you are saying I never broke one while skating was always as it firmly shifted between 2nd an 3rd or 3rd an 4th going onto the hwy Had my BTR rebuilt buy Tim at Bayswater Auto's (cryo'd AU RP and C1mods) and haven't had a drama since Very Happy
  12. Went thru 4 auto's then Tim built the btw at bayswater auto not a drama since nice bloke too
  13. I have number 4 if that's the one missing ^^^^^
  14. First tram out of the depot derailing then once re-railed it has a door fault meaning it was never meant to leave the depot in the first place
  15. WILDF6, at my site Riversdale rd tram/train track crossover renewal
  16. Would be awesome running 11s with a ba block, before I make my way to the strip need to do a surge tank already done valve springs, port and wastegate mod, built 4spd (bayswater autos) and rapid v2 with the plenum running on the 2007 bf block I picked up hoping just to get a run of 12 hoping my 2500 stall is suitable
  17. Let us know what difference the plenum makes I'm going to try a snort 1000 plenum what type have you fitted there
  18. Failed my first attempt lucky my mechanic lived two streets away.. And I had borrowed the valve spring tool from Atomic they lend it for the amount it cost's for a deposit then refund you when you send it back if you buy there valve springs that was awhile ago on my BA Started at 7.30 in the mourning turned it over at 10 at night and couldn't even go for a spin cause I had smashed down a few JD cans
  19. I got a alloy cylinder type one from autobahn $36 ^^ Go a page or 2 back its all explained^^
  20. + and Bang theres your problem same thing with a work ute
  21. I'll use the one catch can but rather then a breather on the r/c ill use some hose and run it down near the fuel connectors to vent as a breather's seem to turn Vic TOGs into crazed yellow sticker suppliers. I don't anything about the tuning side of things but, I like the sound of it so, it's going to spool faster even if it is only in my imagination
  22. Yeah, catch can on the rocker cover breather .......... You have opened my eyes will switch it round thanks heaps mate
  23. Eat a lemon gets rid of it, well seems to work for me
  24. UDB intake and that's with a catch can Or still pretty regular ? Did have me alittle worried with the amount there but I'm no mechanic an I would be lying if I said I had seen anyone else's apart
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