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Everything posted by KeddyXR6T

  1. Using CP pistons had half a dozen hold ups motor will Be in by the end of the month ill pick the thread back up there
  2. Ill straight swap for the XA was just lucky in having a old man who's all about the coupes
  3. Started out a sunbird mate ended up with a L34 and getting pinched got it back was a absolute mess hence why I'm careful of what I post in forums and where
  4. In that case I should load the block into the torri aye
  5. Ralph Nothing I've simply been a active member on boosted longer and have other threads there from previous cars Lol f*ck this is like a circus at times I mean look at this is it so hard to stay on topic Stock head studs be gone
  6. The block is going in to SCR engines start of February to be checked cleaned an prep'd also have a few bits and pieces to buy christmas sorta stalled the whole thing should be done and running in car by april/may ill have a more detailed thread on boosted once it is complete I get alittle more respect there as they are from my area but check back here feb 23rd when I get the block back and start the fitting it out allot of people on here have had success with the Spool kit everything in the kit is in retail form as in everything was packaged happy with the purchasing an shipping but until we smash 20+ off the line hard to tell what it will do
  7. Granted, hasty response no offence directed in the comment towards anyone I addressed just looking for information not insults
  8. Stock head studs, 19 in the mid is alittle different 25 of the line, anyway all just questions but there not welcome here I guess, not much is welcome on here for a public forum
  9. The cost is never the issue but a good one always helps, surprising answer Ralphy thanks and hopefully you get on the road soon
  10. Sounds the bee's guessing that will see a decent amount of psi, I've got a spool rebuild kit for my ba block atomic oil pump an gears, after the holidays when there's some extra dollars getting atomic chain and 80lbs v springs, exhaust an inlet valves. What I really wanted to ask is what size head studs and how much boost you plan on pushing ? I will have to keep my eye out for your results after you have ran it in and tuned it up, my block is going in to have a going over an prep in feb (SCR engines) so hopefully me and a mate have it built by may/June and ill throw it in and try push 25+psi thru it may need to PM a question or two Turboknapp's way for some trade secrets if he's willing
  11. Imagine doing that to your father bobby should have wacked that one away some people
  12. How much more fun is it without a hoist missed the thread on this so I wonder what's on the inside
  13. Ivan's magic 5 spd explains everything it's like the mop in the Disney movies
  14. Next time I'm just replying Dynowog Diffbush performance tuned it and try not to attract everyday heros Cameron02 was in a mate's manual last night what your describing is normal it will be a stock diff
  15. When you have a BA nothing's major lol blown 6 boxes second motor bout 12 driveshafts and the rest
  16. Replace the check valve with one from ford parts the aftermarket ones are generally are useless, have you had the brake warning (( ! )) light up on your dash have you bled your brakes lately ?? If so did you flush your lines All that said booster diaphragm is the most likely and as per usual pretty costly
  17. Inb4diffbush 4 inch air intake off turbo which will require a battery relocation or small dry cell (sold as a option with the intake) or under battery intake Will require retune if aftermarket cat fitted Best option is the old door stopper rather then venting the stock BOV back into the intake vent it to atmo (illegal but near impossible to tell for a cop) look in tutorials if this makes no sense Cheers Regards, Uleh
  18. The attitude that speed limits and legislation is over the top I think it is one of the few things the law got right If you don't agree with the limits and legislation hand your licence in
  19. Some of the replys scary to think some people have this attitude and have a 250+rwkw vehicle in there hands the road is a serious place don't let it cost people's lives for you to realise how serious yes some speed limits are ridiculous but majority of the limits if your in excess of 25ks you are a f*ckwit and you don't deserve a licence let alone a powerful vehicle
  20. There's no second chance with these things when it goes bad just be glad it was you licence not your health or somebody else's I have committed multiple traffic offences and been a idiot I didn't learn and I ended up watching two mate's kill themselves in my rear view mirror mate and I wouldn't wish that upon anyone
  21. Lmao the offence you are referring to the punishment is legislation (the judge has no power to reduce the sentence) so that means unless you can prove to a judge that you were not speeding and the cops are lying (too late for that you admitted to the cops and that would go straight in the brief) Maybe try the RTA commissioner lmao Hope the bus stop is close
  22. Download The BA workshop manual just type it in google and you will find a link saves allot of headaches I changed my motor 2 months ago an gearbox back in 09 on stands with 3 trolley jacks and a bottle jack but wouldn't even attempt cradle out unless I had a full workshop with hoist
  23. He built the Jatco on my old VL turbo didn't have any dramas with that had no idea he even did the BTR's dave the fella's name was thought he was a Late model camira specialist still super happy that Bayswater built a box I can skate all day and night in 2nd an into 3rd and not smash rear planetarys or destroy clutch packs and end up with a 2spd lol
  24. Hey mate I have bad news for you with the lane Splitting if your in Melbourne department of transport are against it we had 3 risk engineers from DOT measure all the shared tram/roadways that become clear ways and they had a few issues there one also mentioned that they were also having trouble with some OD2 routes
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