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  1. Pick the car up on Tuesday. Went and took it, and the trouble and strife, for a spin on saturday. They had fitted the 19's and it looks mental. She loved it too, which is a bonus. I still can't get over how hard the car goes. I will post pics when I get it.
  2. I didn't want to start a new topic. I am a total novice to this type of thing. I just wanted to thank all of the people that have posted on this forum regarding the G6e Turbo. I have just traded in my Monaro for an Ego G6e T, 08 plated with 7,5k on clock with 19's, tow bow, matts, and sat nav. It was an agonising decision for me as I loved the Monaro, but it aint compatible with Kids. All of the information on this site made it a much easier process. Especially having info about car costs, features, etc. Made it a lot easier to negotiate with the c*ck of a car dealer. If anyone is interested in pricing, I ended up getting a change over of $21,500, the Monaro was 04 plated, manual and had 50k on the clock, also some top bloke had keyed it all down one side. I reckon that would have made the price of the G6e T at about $45k on the road, the best trade that I got offered on the Monaro by any other dealer was $25k. On the invoice they priced the G6 at 51k and the Monaro at $29.5k!!!
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