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  1. Lol isnt that last pick a member here? going off the plates
  2. They will make far more then 280!! they come with 42lb's now... if u dont want to get a tune then dont bother thinking dump, get a cat and remove centre muffler... far better option then a mini truck hotdog
  3. If u have limited budget then get a cat b4 u worry about valve springs, if u have a ba mkii then I believe the stock valve springs would have no problem producing the power u want plus some
  4. I would just get the 42lb bosch greens for around $400 and just fit them yourself, quick and simple job. Unless down the track you intend to do further mods and achieve beyond the capability of 42lb, if that helps any.. but I do agree the 86 would be overkill
  5. hey mate, check his other topic in uteopia, hes got heeps
  6. yeah mate I realiesed that after I made up the topic but I didnt no how to edit it, I know it would be hard to accomplish... but really anything can be done, im not saying I would do it as much as id like to but if they were to bring out a factory 1 I would for sure and that is the question. not much of a conversion topic
  7. Hey ive been thinking alot lately what a (new shape) Ford courier 4x4 Drive dual cab would be like with an xr6 turbo motor!!! If they ever brought one out I would definly buy one, cobra stlye like white with blue stripes. Has anyone else ever thought of this before? or has it already been done? lol or is my idea just dumb??
  8. hey mate where is bayside performance located, my t made 343 and I got it tuned at apc... was thinkin of a little more work done to it and was hoping this place is a little closer
  9. hey was going to definly make this cruise but I never got a chance to get a new front tyre on... im runnin a spare at the moment, il be on the next one, wouldnt mind meetin some guys that drives turbos on the sunny coast, only been here for 3 months
  10. Hey guys im pretty new to this site, only just moved to the sunny coast a few months ago... wouldnt mind makin this cruise
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