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  1. Just bought my X2 a couple of days ago for $300. Haven't seen any X3's for anywhere near that price. They were going for $500 plus on eBay. Just keep an eye out, they will pop up every now or then
  2. I will eventually get a custom tune, when the minister for war and finance says yes! In the mean time, who can put the generic tunes on the box? I will check afr's just in case
  3. Just bought it off eBay for $300, with $10 postage. Good price I thought
  4. G'day. I just got myself a second hand xcal 2 which is unlocked. I was wondering if I have made the right choice and got the xcal 2 (just reading what has happened with the 1!)? Also now that I have the xcal 2, do I have to send it to a tuner to have it locked to my car (and to get generic tunes)? Sorry if these are stupid questions, just new to the xr6t and the tuning scene. Thanks, leigh
  5. Thanks mate. I didn't want to start pulling things off and breaking them. Makes things alot easier!
  6. Can anyone help me with how to run the wires from a roof mount DVD down to fuse area? Can you just slide the plastic around the seatbelt off? Any help would be appreciated
  7. I was mightly pee'd off with Ford for not finding such a simple problem! I have found that it is not kicking me in the pants as much around 3 grand, but overall it is a much better drive
  8. Fuel pump replaced by Ford. Drove it onto the freeway and it did it again!!! Anyway took it to a mechanic today, popped the bonnet and he looks straight at the boost solenoid. There is the problem. The hose has come off the boost solenoid and another hose nearby has become loose. A quick attahcment and tighten and the car now runs like a dream. Oh well, at least I got Ford to change the fuel pump under warranty!
  9. Well replacing the fuel pump did stuff all. I took it to another mechanic and fixed it in about two seconds. Turns out the hose running to the boost solenoid was loose and so was another one of the hoses. My sugestion is to check all of these first and make sure that they are tight. This was causing an overboost and shutting the cylinders down
  10. Well, had the fuel pump changed this morning by Ford service. Did not fix a thing! They reckon that it is overboost and that puts the car in safe mode. Should a stock standard car be doing this? Or is Ford service just trying to shaft me?
  11. I currently have an 05 BF which has a drop down down rear DVD player. I am currently looking at getting a DVD, but I want it to be able to be used on the rear and the front screen (with premium sound). I am just wondering what I will need with the DVD player and anything else to set it up. Cheers
  12. Sounds exactly the same as the problem I am having with my 05 BF. Ford are saying that it is the fuel pump, meaning the engine is not getting enough fuel at higher revs. I am waiting for Ford to replace my fuel pump under warranty and I will let you know if this fixes it.
  13. Thanks for all your help. I will let you know how I go with Ford
  14. I was thinking of just buying an aftermarket and getting them to put it in. Is it a pain in the bum to install? Save stuffing around with Ford service
  15. Now the only problem is that City Ford in Melbourne are saying that there are no fuel pumps in Australia. They said they are going to dodgy up a work order saying that my car is off the road, so they can fast track a new one or even an aftermarket one.
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