Hi guys. I've read so many posts on this topic and used almost all recomendations to resolve my issue. The story so far, I bought my BA MKII 1 and a half years a go, it has had a services in that time by a performance car mechanic that I can trust and 1 by the local ford dealer workshop. Ford being the 1st to do a log book service. Neither found or pointed out any problems. 1 day I noticed a major loss of power and bugger all revs going into gear change whilst heading up my favourit on ramp, I talked to my mechanic about it and he suggested it may be a lag setting by ford due to that I had put in an after market air filter.So I took it out and things went better. Out of curiosity I thought I would check these here forums. Spark plugs were the 1st few forums I read in resolve to my similar problem, so I went out and bought me some newbie plugs(new plugs were due in my next service going by the book) and slotted them in and the spiffy air filter. WOW a whole new car, she went like a blue healer at a calfs hoofs.Things were going along just spiffy when a few months later it started again. I don't know if I called a bitch or if she saw me drive my brothers Expensive Daewoo but she started playing up again. 1st it was a miss here and there,some times at start up other times just idling at the lights.Then the right royal face slap,my favourite on ramp I gave her a bit and nope she didn't like it,so I backed off and tried again,nope as stuborn as a toothless hooker at a bucks night she just would not go.Back to the forums and next was the coil packs,the ones that are meant to last a life time.I shopped around finaly got a set for a great price, plugged those babies in and POW of she went again. and it begins again,just 3 days ago after abouy 3 more months of funz she bites back, even after a bit of a face lift and a massage she starts bitching again. So my plan this weekend is to pull plugs and coils out,check plug gaps and clean. Clean and check coils and grease them with sparky grease (to prevent arcing). Change fuel filter.Clean all induction piping (is there a way of making sure all is air tight?not to fond of the factory O rings being upto the job).If the crossover is not sealed properly IE the clamps are not holding hoses on securly will this affect things? and if so any suggestions on replacement's that wont cost me an arm and a leg? There are no performance shops around here,I would have to head to Brisveges other wise I have supercheap and autopro. Bloody hell this is getting long,I don't think I ever wrote an essay this long at school. So any suggestions on anything else I should check or do? I have read replacing the cat resolves simmilar problems I hope that's not the issue as I may as well do the whole system (wich was planned for in 12 months). Cheers guys.