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SMURF6 last won the day on August 8 2020

SMURF6 had the most liked content!


38 Excellent

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About SMURF6

  • Birthday 28/05/1987

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    Maroubra, Sydney, NSW
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  1. https://www.pvsautomotive.com.au/products/paddle-shift-kit-to-suit-ford-fg-fgx-zf
  2. Yeah not rare but they are still worth something and have gone up last few years. Are there any Sydney meet ups in this group? ever since facebook I barely come on here.
  3. Never selling it! its had a full rebuild and its still got less than 60,000kms
  4. Yeah I installed Motec 12 inch Dash. Yeah Alcantara
  5. Hey guys. Been such a long time since I've been on the forums. How is everyone? Last time I had any contact was ages ago!!! Smurfs still in action, well wasn't for 2 years as I was rebuilding bigger and better. Anyone in Sydney?
  6. Any day would be fine for me. I haven't been to an event in a while
  7. Its been a while since I went on one of these. Count me in ! Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk
  8. Happy Birthday SMURF6!

  9. Happy Birthday SMURF6!

  10. Happy Birthday SMURF6!

  11. Im definitely in and will be meeting at liverpool
  12. So just angle grind the welds and then remove the piece ?
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