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  1. Happy Birthday philstoj!

  2. Happy Birthday philstoj!

  3. Happy Birthday philstoj!

  4. Happy Birthday philstoj!

  5. Yes, so we need the other tuning companies to get cracking and take advantage of this situation by matching what SCT can offer tune wise. Companies have to realise we are a growing market (ford modifying) and see that its worth investing in products for us, the others are good products, but they need to capitalise now.
  6. Theres much more to it than that, plenty of politics but we wont go into that. Yes the consumers suffer, so do the tuners with stock that they have paid good money for sitting on the shelf unable to be sold or used, see everyone suffers, except the ones forcing you to upgrade...
  7. Not biased at all. that's what they want you to use now (Xcal3), isnt that why this sh*t fight is happening? All they want you to do is upgrade to a new box, your tuner can load your tunes from your Xcal1 or 2 into the Xcal3, but one catch, its gonna cost ya, never mind that your current falsh box has no issues...
  8. The tunes are the same regardless of xcal1/2/3, the only difference is the flashing device you plug into the car, but also that all depends on what model car you have which dictates which flashing device you need. Why does everyone think capa is to blame for this? Ahh, must be because the OTHERS are saying their to blame...
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