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Everything posted by Corzza

  1. Early mark today? School Holidays start today, hoping to get out early
  2. Think I am going to whip up a decent BBQ tonight, keep the mrs fed and happy! Then I'll have to keep her warm! Only one way to keep a woman warm...
  3. Trying hard too a Trying hard too
  4. Sounds like a few people are in the same boat
  5. You living in the garage still?
  6. I have been busy unpacking, moved into the new place last weekend so getting my life sorted out. Watched the V8's, poor Scotty isnt having the best of luck of late. They have the car sorted now just need to do some tweaks to get the pace back.
  7. Moaning ladies! How was the weekend??
  8. So damn busy mate, no time to fart.
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