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Everything posted by Corzza

  1. Ah mate thanks for the reminder! lol
  2. If we can overcome the Jocks and Yanks I think we will be alright.
  3. UK..... Mums living in Edinburgh so I’ll shoot up there tour Scotland get plastered on single Malt and then head down to London to view some ¼ final and semi final rugby.
  4. Last day before 6 weeks of holidays! Fecken YEAH!
  5. You come down and dont even tell me!?
  6. Count down is on to the 29th! I IS OUTTA HERE
  7. She got no stagger?! Yeh EPIC FAIL!
  8. Blady Ying Yang! They look good on her so probably just need a sand and respray
  9. Just another day in the office mate, Whats all this talk about Wood!?
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